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Fish Herder
Nov 1, 2004
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Hi everyone
Just wondering, are danios ok with gouramis or are they fin-nippers? The lfs have some lovely dwarf silver/blue gouramis and I would like to buy a pair for my next additions. Also, does anyone know how long guppies gestate for please? My females have been pregnant for about 2 weeks and I'm just soo excited :hyper:
Some danios nip - others don't :p It depends on the tank size, the cover you provide for the gouramies, the species and the size of the shoal. Generaly, there shouldn't be a problem, I keep 5 zebra danios with a pearl gourami and they get along fine. If you are thinking about getting 2 MALE dwarf gouramies - don't. They may not get along. You are much safer getting a male and female or a male and 2 females - or just 2 females :) . The males do often get along but it's better to be safe than sorry.

BTW when your guppy is about to give birth ( a few days before) you will be able to see the fry eyes in the gravid spot. They will be black with white around them. (exact gestation period can often depend on food and water temperature)

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