Stocking Ok For 125 Litre Tank?


Fish Crazy
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
Dundee, Scotland
I have upgraded from 70 litre tank to 125 litre Juwel rio.
Is this ok for stocking:-
6 Odessa barbs
6 Zebra Danios
4 Juli corys
3 Paldodot loaches.
Will the corys be ok with loaches/corys?

Thanks :unsure:
38 inches of fish there excluding the loaches that I'm not formiliar with. That is a stocking that will work once the tank is mature, but I wouldn't put that many in strait away :good: Mebe half after the thing is cycled/the old tanks filters have been transfered over, and then the rest after 6 months to let things mature. I cannot see any issues with the mixing, but I'm not realy formiliar with the Paldodot loaches. Do they have any other common names?

All the best
Polka Dot Loaches, thats what I mean. :hyper:
I have already transfered my current fish(corys.cherry barbs,) and old filter pads over to the new tank so wanting to now thinking about my other additions, 6 months seems a long time to wait to add any more fish??
Its to allow the new tank to mature ;) The filters are mature having been pulled from an existing tank, but the tank itself isn't. A mature tank gets a good bio-film over it that acts as a cussion to any water quality issues if the filter goes wrong. This is something you want to allow plenty of time to build up if you are going to overstock the tank, as you will be doing with the planned load. You have 28g in the new tank, and 28inches of adult length fish is the recomended maximum stocking for the tank while it is getting started. With the polkadot loaches (Botia Kubotia as I call them :hyper: ) you would have 50 inches of fish in total, or nearly two inches per gallon. That is a very heavy load, nearly twice that of whats recomended :nod: Though that load is possible (Its about where my main tank is running now ;) ) it certainly isn't recomended in a new system.

Just on a side not, Botia Kubotia need a group of 4+ :good:

All the best
How Long do you think I should leave it then before I add more fish. I have 6 juli corys and 6 cherry barbs at the moment tramsfered from previous tank, a few days ago.
Would it be ok to replace the cherry barbs with odessa barbs just now?? or should i even leave that for a few more weeks??
Replacing the barbs should be ok, provided you get the new ones in the same day. You won't be adding much bioload (if the new barbs are young enough that they're still smaller than the cherries, you might even be reducing it temporarily).

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