Stocking Neons


New Member
Jan 29, 2011
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i have a 125 gallon 60x18.5 x26 and right now i have a pleco not sure what type but i got it from a friend and its about 4 inchs long and will not grow anymore, 2 angels , 5 gold barbs, 10 glow lights , 9 black neons, and about 33 neons , how many more neons can i have in the tank ?
You do realise that neons are basically Angel Fish food in the wild right and that there is a distinct possibility that once large enough the angels will hunt and eat all your neons.
You do realise that neons are basically Angel Fish food in the wild right and that there is a distinct possibility that once large enough the angels will hunt and eat all your neons.

i know but im taking the chance i got the angles as babies and there really small so i thought they might get used to them so yea .. ive had them for about 2 days now and they swim side by side so they seem to be doing very well
125 gallon or 125 litres and are your measurements in cm or inches? That's a 2ft tank or a 5ft tank? 125 gallons = 560ish litres...
If you have 125 gallon tank, then I think you have room for more Neons. Are your water stats staying at zero ammonia and nitrite? You could take the steps to add about two Neons at a time and let the tank settle for a week to see if all stats remain at zero. Then repeat. I think you have room for a few more. I agree with the other user that said your Neons might start to disappear when the Angels get big enough. Happened to me in a tank I had when I was a kid.

I'd like to see pics of your tank with all those Neons, too. Sounds interesting.
That's the thing people see Angels at there LFS and just dont realise how big they can get. Mine I passed on my LFS couldent believe how big mine were, easy as big as a large persons hand.

If you want Tetras then its the Dwarf rage of Cichlids, I have nearly donated all my large fish as I want this type of setup. Only got 2 large Talking Catfish to catch, that is if I can ever find them....
Your Angels will eat your neons when they get bigger, whether they have lived with them or not. You might want to decide now on want you want in the longer term: Angels or Noeons.

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