Stocking My Tank Ideas Or Advice Welcome


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
Essex (Harold Wood/ Romford)
Hi, i've been in the process of scaling down my tanks and have an aqua one AR-620
Tank dimentions
62x38x53cm 90 liters

The tank is partialy planted with amazon sword, valis and moss balls so far with bogwood and a couple of caves.

So far i have a 5 kuhli loaches, a couple of sucking loach, apple snails and a couple of mountain shrimp.

From my other tanks which some are being taken down due to a house move i have 6 congo tetras, a breeding pair of kribs and loads of juvinles, a three spot/blue gourami, 7 glass catfish and 8 clown loach and millions of bronze and albino cories.

I was wondering which of these if any would be suitable for the tank and if so which ones and which other fish any1 mite suggest for the set up.
Specifically what type of "sucking loaches" do you have do you know? The name sucking loach covers quite a few different types of fish, some of which grow to be very aggressive & territorial and some of which don't.
i love albino corys! :) i believe that they need a tank of approx. 100L so ur 90L should be fine! ur clown loches will get 2 big 4 the tank tho!

I meant golden loaches in the tank which look just like kuhli's but i do have sucking loaches in another tank but have no idea what type they are the fish shop just said sucking loaches when i was after something to clean up some algae
corys, khulie loaches, clown pleco, neons, white clouds, a female betta, amano shrimp, flower shrimp, ram pair, tetras, rasboras, etc

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