Fish Fanatic
so i know i'd made threads before about my diy tank, and it being 140ish gallons, well we got a little carried away, and now its 170, 171 to be exact, but anyway, i'm not too sure of what to put in it
posting pics in the pics forum tomorrow morning when i have batteries for the camera
here's what i've got in there so far
10 tiger barbs
1 red tailed black shark
2 blue rams
6 julii cory
4 gold neon rosy barbs
1 bristlenose pleco
3 white clouds
here's what i was thinking of having in there once its fully stocked
16 tiger barbs
1 red tailed black shark
2 blue rams
6 julii cory
6 gold neon rosy barbs
1 bristlenose pleco
8 white clouds
6 spotted cory (or some other type of cory)
5 yo-yo loach
4 keyhole cichlids (if i can find them and there's still room)
but i really don't know if they'd all get along (especially loaches and the rtb), so i was wondering if you guys had any ideas, or suggestions, or if it looks like it'd make a very nice tank
posting pics in the pics forum tomorrow morning when i have batteries for the camera
here's what i've got in there so far
10 tiger barbs
1 red tailed black shark
2 blue rams
6 julii cory
4 gold neon rosy barbs
1 bristlenose pleco
3 white clouds
here's what i was thinking of having in there once its fully stocked
16 tiger barbs
1 red tailed black shark
2 blue rams
6 julii cory
6 gold neon rosy barbs
1 bristlenose pleco
8 white clouds
6 spotted cory (or some other type of cory)
5 yo-yo loach
4 keyhole cichlids (if i can find them and there's still room)
but i really don't know if they'd all get along (especially loaches and the rtb), so i was wondering if you guys had any ideas, or suggestions, or if it looks like it'd make a very nice tank