Stocking My Aquarium


Fish Crazy
Aug 26, 2007
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Cheltenham, UK
Right, so cycling is hopefully working wonders (see my other thread on my cycling journal!) so it's about time to start planning which fish types I'm going to get.

I've got a Juwel Vision 180 tank which should give me about 125 cm of fish.

I'm thinking off...
10 Tiger Barbs
10 Zebra Danios
1 Bristlenose Plec

Any comments on the above?
Same tank as mine. Be sure to post some pics when you're up and running.

p.s. what's the trophy in your pic?

Same tank as mine. Be sure to post some pics when you're up and running.

p.s. what's the trophy in your pic?


Yes, camera is all ready once the fish goes in.

That is the Rugby League's Super League Trophy.

I've just started at refereeing and it was at the open day, so thought I'd get a photo with it :nod:
So, my fishless cycling is complete.

I'm going for the fish on Saturday morning after topping up Ammonia and the massive water change.

10 Zebra Danios
10 Tiger Barbs

Now do I put them in together or put the Danios and the Barbs over different weekends?
Right, so cycling is hopefully working wonders (see my other thread on my cycling journal!) so it's about time to start planning which fish types I'm going to get.I've got a Juwel Vision 180 tank which should give me about 125 cm of fish.I'm thinking off...10 Tiger Barbs10 Zebra Danios1 Bristlenose PlecAny comments on the above?
tanks going to look quite empty, unless your tiger barbs are a pretty good size, but thats personal taste more than anythingwhat about some fish that might occupy the lower regions of the tank? Not sure what though!!! hmm.... two or three Kribensis? even if they breed, with Zebra Danios and Tiger Barbs, shouldn't be too much hassle either way, especially if the tank is nicely planted up and not too plainIn fact, having kept all the fish you mentioned plus Kribs, i think it could work. in fact if you wanted to play it safe, get 3 or 4 Female only Kribs, i think you were going for a planted tank if i remember? i think with some Kribs you be onto a winner with your current idea's
So, my fishless cycling is complete.I'm going for the fish on Saturday morning after topping up Ammonia and the massive water change.Getting....10 Zebra Danios10 Tiger BarbsNow do I put them in together or put the Danios and the Barbs over different weekends?
if your topping up ammonia just before you get the fish, do make sure your ammonia and nitrite reading is 0.0 before you add the fish, no point subjecting the fish to either of these if you dont have to
Thanks fry lover.

Yes, will make sure the Ammonia & Nitrite is 0 before the fish go in.

I've not got a planted tank, all my stuff is fake at the minute although will intend to 'branch' (bad pun!) out into planted stuff.

My tank is a bit open but would prefer to add as I go along rather than wasting money.

I've not seen the Kribensis before, looked them up and they look nice. Although, my lower dwellers will be either a bristlenose plec or some corys. Just need to wait for the tank to mature a while.

Know what you mean tho, at first it might look a bit empty.
Bear in mind that adding Tiger Barbs and Danios will dictate whatever fish you want to add later on. Whatever you add later will have to be as lively as the Barbs and Danios.
Bear in mind that adding Tiger Barbs and Danios will dictate whatever fish you want to add later on. Whatever you add later will have to be as lively as the Barbs and Danios.

Thanks vinylman, I know what you mean.

This time tomorrow I'll be on my way to the LFS!
Nice tank, I'm in the process of setting up a Juwel Vison... 280? (next size up :p) at work, should be fun.

Anyhow, as has been said, it will be a bit empty with just that, and those guys will not make having larger slower fish (gourami's, angels, discus etc.) easy.
So, people keep mentioning it will look a bit empty in there.

I've worked out my stocking using the surface area equation (92cm*42cm)/30=129cm of fish.

Tiger Barbs = 6cm each
Zebra Danios = 6cm each

So on that basis that's 120 cm together once their fully grown.

Those measurements right?
The Danio's may get that big, but still, I've never been a big believer in the whole equation thing; even so you should take into account that when you add up the length of the fish you shouldn't include the tail :p

Tiger barbs when fully grown probably would only be 4-5cm, they aren't an insanely long fish, more plump than anything i would say. In my opinion a tank that size would look almost empty with only those guys in there, 180L is a lot of room for a community tank; maybe you should look into some loaches, they will go well with the barbs and danios.
So loaches like Khuli (spel!) and or like the zebra loaches (or similar ones), how many do you think?

Do loaches need to be in a mature tank?

I'd love some corys but they need a mature tank don't they?
Clown loaches would love it in there, Pakistani loaches would probably be a better option as well, Kuhli loaches always burrow and you never see them :p

Cory's would be a nice addition to, you would be better off waiting until you know the tank is established though, you should never buy too many fish at one time; it can cause far too much waste to build up at once and can't break down quick enough. The loaches in particular are sensitive to skin diseases and water conditions as they don't have scales and easily contract white spot.

Of course when all is said and done all fish should go into a mature tank :) However Danios and Barbs are great starters as they're quite hardy.
Again Clown loaches: I'd love them. They need to be in a group don't they? Plus they get mighty big. Think that my tank would take them?

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