Stocking My 8usg


Fish Addict
May 31, 2006
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Kent UK
Recenetly the puffer from my 8G has beenrehomed so Mum wants to put a betta in there and i want kuhli loaches as I can't have them in my big tank.
Any chance with enough filteration I could have both?
Dont know off hand I'll get them in the morning is the dwarf version difficult to find?
I've spent a lot of time researching kuhlis, although I can't boast that I have kept them yet. I just thought I'd add the decision I've come to after a lot of discussion and reading about it.

I think the thing kuhlis need more than space is a lot of friends. I wouldn't keep just a group of two because it would be very likely they would hide all the time and you'd never see them. Minimum group size is 5, from what I've been told by people who have kept loaches for ten or more years in various settings. Some say 20 gallons is minimum but I wouldn't object putting them in a 10 since I've had two people tell me their behavior is normal down to that size--social and active.

HTH with your decision about the kuhlis. I'm not sure how big the footprint of the 8 gallon tank is compared to the 10 gallon I'm familiar with so you'd have to make that call. You may want to have kuhlis with no dither (aka neons), so you can fit more in.
EDIT: See if you could get the dwarf variety Acanthophthalmus robiginosus. I think they're more suitable for smaller tanks.

Even if the local mixed 'kuhli' tank happens to contain one or two (which is very unlikely), you're even more unlikely to find a shop willing to get you individuals :p

A group of five would be fine. They spend most of the daytime hiding and at night when there's food there, eating it. If possible though, black kuhlis are far more outgoing than most other species.

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