Stocking My 20 Gallon High


Fish Fanatic
May 5, 2009
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Which one of these should I choose? I have a 20-40 gallon filter on it, a heater, 15 watts of light, and fake plants with rocks and black gravel
5 black phantom tetras
4 peppered cories 1
1 honey gourami
8 White cloud mountain minnows
4 peppered cories
1 honey gourami 2
1 nerite snail
6 White cloud mountain minnows
4 Peppered cories
1 male crowntail betta(I already have it) 3
1 nerite snail
6 white cloud mountain minnows
4 peppered cories 4
2 honey gouramis
1 nerite snail
colony of rcs
5 von rio tetras
4 peppered cories 5
1 nerite snail
5 sparkling gouramis
4 peppered cories
colony of rcs 6
1 nerite snail
I'm thinking about number 4 but it might be overstocking
6 White cloud mountain minnows
4 Peppered cories
1 male crowntail betta(I already have it) 3
1 nerite snail

Not that one
What about black skirt tetras rather than black phantom tetras. ive had them for ages and once they grow up and increase in size a a bit they are really classy fish. they go great with some plants and a colourful fish (ive got mine with guppies)

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