Stocking My 15g


New Member
Apr 18, 2006
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Finally tank (15g, 58l) is fishlessly cycled, time to get some fish in there.

I'm thinking Male Dwarf Gourami, 1 Male Guppy 3 Female Guppy, 5 Neon Tetra and a Pleco type of thing that won't outgrow the tank

Does this sound okay?

If so, what order should i get them in?

Thanks can't wait for fish sooo bad :fun:

ps any reccomendations for other stocking combos greatly appreciated!
Agree with adding the gourami last, though I persoanlly, would not put a gourami in anything under a 20 gallon.

You might want to consider adding more neons, by the way.

I'd add the guppies first, then move on from there, and check out the catfish (the plecs and other section) for a pinned article on plecs that stay small. You could also go with otos, but they are not exactly hardy, at least not in new tanks.
Agree with the comments about the dwarf gourami, though maybe, if you like them, a pair of true honey gourami's or sparkling gourami's might be a more peaceful choice.

If memory serves, and I'll probs get this wrong, there is a species of bulldog plec (pitbull?) that only gets to about 2 inches. Never kept that one, but I agree with the comments about the oto's they need a mature tank (6 months plus, pref longer) and even then they can be hard to acclimatise properly. If your hearts set on an oto, then let the tank mature (get some nice alage growth), and look out for ones with nice fat looking tummies that have been in the shop for a bit.

P.S The plec is LDA25, Pitbull Pleco - Parotocinclus jumbo.

All the best,

I've been told by reliable sources that keeping a dwarf gourami in smaller tanks was fine and I did for a while though I just upgraded my ten to a 29.

Also, there are dainty corys and pygmy corys if you're not dead set on a pleco you might look into them, both varieties stay under an inch if I remember correctly. My pygmys have.
Since the replies I've looked into it more, and do really like the look of the otos and both pymy and dainty otos, although i don't think they are as striking as albino corys. Another fish i like the look of is Marbled Hatchetfish, but i haven't seen them in my lfs, I think they would add more variety to the tank, as I've read they stay nearer the top.

Is it realistic to consider having, guppies, tetras, hatchetfish, dainty/pygmy cory (2-3??), and oto (pair??)

If so, what sort of numbres of each fish should i be thinking?


still excited
You'll want to have the tetras (guessing neons?) and corys in numbers around 6. The others, I'm not sure because I haven't had them before.
So does anybody think that it would be possible to have a combo of guppies, tetras, hatchetfish, dainty/pygmy cory, and oto ?
Okay I've got 3 tetras today, and assuming they do fine will go back to my lfs next weekend for another 3. Watching them now they are just beginning to stop being so shy! WOuld be be alright to have a kuhli loach in my community tank? (58l)
khuli's are very peacefull fish that grow to around 4 inches. They really like to be in groups of 3 or more.
Everything ive ever read about hatchet fish suggests they are a bugger to keep alive and are not particularly hardy. They need soft, acidic conditions and are not happy in small numbers. 6+ preferable. Common hatchet fish is the most hardy. They get to around 2" and need about a 1m long tank as they're very active. I don't think they'd suit your tank at all. Give em a miss.

My only other advice would be not to pack too many species into your tank. It's not that big and most fish look better in bigger schools, as well as living better.
The three tetras that you have may not stop acting shy until they are in the appropriate numbers. Mine are always bold and active when I have 6 or more, anything less than 4 or so and they hide all the time.

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