Fish Fanatic
Our list of what we definatly want are:
6 Neon OR Cardinal (http/
2 Dwarf African Frogs
6 Harlequin Rasboras
4-6 of Some type of Corries
1 or 2 Dwarf Gouramis
Things on the probably if there's room list:
1 Apple or Golden Apple Snail
Some type of frienly shrimp
Things on the alternative/maybe list:
6 Silver Tip Tetras
6 Golden Zebra Danio
3 or 4 Kuhlii Loaches
6 Rummynose
1 Bristlenose Pleco (Was a definite until I started reading about the poop )
40 US Gallons. (151 liters?)
Water is pH of about 7.75. GH=6. KH=7.
Emperor 280.
No real plants.
So is that top list going to work with the size, each other, the chemistry?
Is that overstocked, understocked, just right?
Who goes in first? I'm doing Bio-Spira and I want to put in enough fish to make sure the Bio-Spira has something to "eat" but not so many that if it goes horribly wrong that the tank looks like a graveyard on day 3.
6 Neon OR Cardinal (http/
2 Dwarf African Frogs
6 Harlequin Rasboras
4-6 of Some type of Corries
1 or 2 Dwarf Gouramis
Things on the probably if there's room list:
1 Apple or Golden Apple Snail
Some type of frienly shrimp
Things on the alternative/maybe list:
6 Silver Tip Tetras
6 Golden Zebra Danio
3 or 4 Kuhlii Loaches
6 Rummynose
1 Bristlenose Pleco (Was a definite until I started reading about the poop )
40 US Gallons. (151 liters?)
Water is pH of about 7.75. GH=6. KH=7.
Emperor 280.
No real plants.
So is that top list going to work with the size, each other, the chemistry?
Is that overstocked, understocked, just right?
Who goes in first? I'm doing Bio-Spira and I want to put in enough fish to make sure the Bio-Spira has something to "eat" but not so many that if it goes horribly wrong that the tank looks like a graveyard on day 3.