Stocking List


Fish Aficionado
Mar 28, 2007
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40 gallon tank, 20 gallon sump (reef tank)
roughly 60 pounds live rock

2 O. clownfish (with tank raised BTA nem)
2 pajama cardinals (mated pair hopefully)
1 fully grown YWG
1 Fu manchu lion fish

Comments? Suggestions?
Dunno about the fu man chu and the YWG... As the YWG's are pretty docile, I'd bet the lion would get them eventually. Fu man chu's stay very small as far as dwarf lions go though, so as long as you get mature clowns and cardinals they should be ok. I'd look into some larger firefish and maybe even a flasher wrasse if it were my tank. Lynden's righ, you could fit a couple more in there if you watned.
hmm, i plan on getting the fu manchu really small and wait for my goby to get big. I'll see how it goes. I'll leave the extra space so it can be more laid back since i dont want to be completely devoted to my tank towards my important years of high school (sophomore and junior especially). Or if i get a strange outbreak of some sort in the tank.
get tank bred true percs the ones with bits of black, otherwise looks cool althought you did pick my number one hated marine fish after the fire fish the pajama cardinal!

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