Stocking List For New 60g Tank! Woohoo!


Fish Herder
Oct 13, 2012
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Picking up my new 60 Gallon (4ft) today guys!!!
I plan to do a fishless cycle with mature media (sponge + ceramic rings), but I just wanted to get some input on my stocking ideas. Most of the room will be taken up by the fish I already have, they all have to move to the new tank, as Im breaking down my old tank. Here is what I have:

4 Tiger barbs
2 green barbs
1 pictus
1 angel
8 cories
1 sailfin pleco
1 rubberlip pleco

This is what I'm thinking:

A couple more barbs of each (tiger and green)
12 more cories
rehoming the sailfin (he's growing very fast and I don't want to put him in a huge tank, just to bring him to the LFS in a couple months, it's sad)
rehoming the rubberlip as he tends to bulldoze over my cories
1-2 BN plecs, albino maybe?
either adding another angel or maybe rehoming them, and trying 2 gouramis or rams or something. (never kept these kind of fish before but I really love the way they look and I find them very neat....)
4 polka dot loaches (ive been researching them for a while now, but never had the room in my 30G vertical) would they be a prob with my pictus though???

I realize that maybe not all of this is possible but these are all the ideas Im tossing around. What does everyone think?? Any input/advice is welcome and appreciated!!!!!!!!

Oh, and the tank will be planted with a play sand substrate.

2 Aquaclear 70 filters giving me 600gph (10x) turnover

I posted this a couple days ago in the tropical discussion board but didnt get any input really lol so i moved it here :)
I'm glad to hear that you plan to rehome the sailfin, they get huge (a foot and a half), too big for even a 4 foot tank, if you ask me. They require at least 6 feet, but even then, I'd rather go 8 feet.

Getting more tiger barbs and cories is always a good idea, assuming the tank can handle that many fish. In the new tank, with the rehomed fish, there is plenty of room.

Be careful with smaller fish and pictus. If a smaller fish fits into its mouth, it will try to eat it. None of your fish would be a concern, except for the cories. The cories would need to be big before adding them to the tank. Pictus are extremely active, so your fish with it need to be either big enough that it will know not to bother them, or active themselves and big enough they can't be swallowed. The Pictus is a predator, so stock accordingly. Specifically what cories do you have?
I think the polkadot loaches would be better in a 6?

Your set up is very much how I want my next tank (trying *not* to buy one tomorrow!) which would be a 240l 4ft. I'd have 6 polkadot loaches, 18 tigers and a firemouth.
Good to know. I don't plan on ever keeping them, for a variety of reasons, but good to know for the future.
I had 3 pictus, and had to rehome the other 2. The other one bullied them ridiculously, and he was smaller than the other two, funny bc he doesn't even bother with my other fish.

I will be upping my numbers of false juliis, and green cories. I also have two weird litter sterbais (would love to up their numbers if I could find them locally and 2 pandas... i know i know i know.... I wasn't aware that they preferred their own species when i became a cory lover, I'm making it up by buying a 4 foot tank with sand

Saw some really cool gourami's & dwarf cichlids today. Might do some more research as Ive never kept them, but I will def be getting either one of those. The store where I bought my tank only has male dwarfs, is it okay to have just one? seems kind of sad.... SO, this is what Im thinking, please feel free to tell me this is too much, but after bringing my tank home, I realized that it's really tall, so I have a lot of height to work with too (23 inches tall)...

roughly 20 cories
1 pictus
group of 10 or so barbs (green and tigers)
4 polka dot loaches (I've read that they can be kept in a minimum of 3, so we will see)
2 gouramis or dwarf cichlids (depending on how they're kept, maybe just one? must research...)
2 angels
1 albino bn

I have a question.. I am using my cycled filter in the new tank, but plan on adding another tank to get 10x turnover, will adding a new filter that's uncycled cause problems??

So excited. Tomorrow I get my substrate in and work out the landscape. That will problem take all day and a couple of good beers

Thanks for the suggestions advice, as always
Adding a new filter shouldn't matter. If you plan to remove the first one, don't do it too soon. Move some media to the new one if necessary, but don't move the original cycled filter for about 3 months or longer. Personally, I'd put a little mature media into the new filter, just to seed it, especially since its probably the more powerful one and will probably be turning over more water.
Adding a new filter shouldn't matter. If you plan to remove the first one, don't do it too soon. Move some media to the new one if necessary, but don't move the original cycled filter for about 3 months or longer. Personally, I'd put a little mature media into the new filter, just to seed it, especially since its probably the more powerful one and will probably be turning over more water.

Okay, will do. Thanks for all the help

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