Stocking levels


New Member
Apr 25, 2005
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I upgraded to a 100 gallon tank from a 20 gallon sevral months ago and have slowely added more fish during this time I currently have

4 Congo tetras
5 beacon fish
6 penguin tetra
5 molly's
2 silver dollar
2 polkador loaches
1 pink kissing gouami

I wanted to get another 2 silver dollars and another 4-6 congo tetras, would this be too much or could I easily accomidate more?
Hi, I have read on here that the general rule is 1" of fish to 1 gallon of water. According to that you would be fine. I personally prefer a tank to be a bit under-stocked but you have plenty of room there. I have a 20UK gallon tank. Congratulations on the upgrade, it must seem massive compared to your old tank! :)
Yes its a huge difference, I bought the larger tank when I moved home due to the extra space I had but when I look at it next to my 20 gallon tank it completely dwarfs it. I am going to set my 20 gallon tank back up at some point and perhaps use it as a species tank with a specific biotope or something - anyone have any suggestions for that -would be much appreciated, I'm just looking forward to when the congo tetas, loaches and silver dollars get to maturity, they seem to me growing niceley and are quite a bit bigger than when I bought them, just hope the new size tank does them justice so they can reach full potential
You do have to be a little careful with kissing gouramis.. I've read that sometimes they can chase and kill smaller fish. I would guess larger tetras such as congos would be alright, but I don't know about the penquin tetras they don't get very big.
I've had the pink kissing gourami a few yeas now an hes about 4-5 inches but seems quite peaceful, doesn't really bother the othe fish, which is good, the penguins have grown quite large about 2-3 inches so they are a reasonable size so I'm not too worried about them.

Anyone got any suggestions for a 20 gallon spcies tank, thinking about setting back up my old one, with a specific biotope in mind, an ideas for a tank of that size?
earthmover said:
Anyone got any suggestions for a 20 gallon spcies tank, thinking about setting back up my old one, with a specific biotope in mind, an ideas for a tank of that size?
how about a shelldweller tank.. loads of interesting :D
Had a look at some info on shelldwellers and looks nteresting what sort of stocking levels would I be looking at ?

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