Stocking levels for my 35Gal


May 2, 2004
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Down a dark hole... Down a dark hole... with an ow
Hi there,

In addition to the fish in my Sig, i would ideally like to get 2 more Pictus (they're great) and a pair of mid-water fish (maybe keyhole chichlids or another pair of Gouramis)

In addition to what i have in my tank.... do you think this would be over-stocking?

I realise my Plec could get rather larger than he is (5"), i have still not really established the kind of plec he is at the moment..... probs a common.....
If or when this happens he will be re-housed....

Wat'd'ya think ?

Thanks again

PS - C-mon England !!! 4-2 4-2 4-2
I hereby christen this new tank week!

hahaha i do have to agree on this comment.. im also expecting a new tank on friday (yeahhhhaaa)

as for stokcking levels, what are ur current water parims, whats ur filtration like, does ur tank look over stocked (in other words u see fish in every inch of the tank?)

imo u could hav 2 or 3 smaller fish... like scissortail rasboras? but only if ur water parims are ok....

you have to think of it this way... more fish = more waste and not enough room...

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