Stocking Levels And Advice Pls


New Member
Aug 23, 2012
Reaction score
Manchester, England
hi all
Ive got a 180 litre tank fully cycled for 6 weeks now. Up to now i have 2 guppies, 4 leopard danios and 10 neon tetras. Any ideas for next fish and how many
if you have algea problem. add otoclincus
if you want some bottom action. add corys
if you want centerpiece. get rid of you fish, and get angelfish and start from there (only if the tank is more then 20" high)

you could do
10 guppies
20 neons-one school of active fish is better
6 corys-of the same species

i can give you more options, but i need to know what you are going for
community, species, biotope, etc.
8 x Male Guppies
20 x Rummynose Tetra
10 x Corydoras Sterbai/Adolfoi
1 x Pearl Gourami

Anyone who thinks this is wrong feel free to edit it how you see fit.

TekFish :good:
OP; what are the dimensions of the tank, is your water hard or soft, from how far away will you be mostly viewing the tank, and what substrate do you have?
Its a juwel 180 vision with sand substrate artificial plants (quite a few now) and we have a small living room so can be viewed anywhere really. Bought another 3 platys today so loookin good thanks for the replies everyone
As you have sand, a few corydoras would certainly make a nice addition, and would give you some movement at the bottom of the tank.

Or you could look at a pair or trio of dwarf cichlids; apistogrammas or Bolivian rams would be good nice. Or a bristlenose?
definitely 100% go for cories. at least 6 of the same type. Since we upped the numbers of them and put sand on the bottom they are the most fun to watch of all our fish.

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