I have a juwel rio 400 (dimensions 60"x20"x24"high), filtered by a eheim 2329 wet/dry filter, eheim 2317 filter, rainbow lifegard fb300 fluidized bed and TMC 15w uv sterilzor (not using juwel filter), airpump thru 2 x 10" bubble walls; water changes 2 times a week using 15 gallons RO water each time! Stocking levels would be;
11 Discus
7 Zebra Plecos
3 Whiptails
4 blue ram cichlids
4 Apistogramma Nijessini
Is this ok?
11 Discus
7 Zebra Plecos
3 Whiptails
4 blue ram cichlids
4 Apistogramma Nijessini
Is this ok?