stocking ideas


Oct 12, 2004
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I asked this before but that topic concentrated to other tank so I'm asking this again and more clearly this time:

I have 108 liter aquarium that contains about 90 litres water. I have planned to put there

7 exclamation point rasboras
~13 mosquito rasboras
3 coolie loaches (1 kuhlii, 2 myersi)

Do you have any ideas what I could add?

Pearl gouramies :) or dwarf gouramies, some cories or a bristlenose pleco - what size are your other fish?
I would say don't add anymore as 3 loaches will add up to 12ins
Thanks about answers. Pearl gouramis are way too big in my opinion. Dwarf gouramis are nice but I have already had them, so I would like to have some new species. Good suggestion thought. I also have bristlenose and cories in another tank so not them also.

Both rasboras are about 1inch when adults and coolies are about 4inch.

Coolies don't take that much room. They don't make as much waste as some fatter same sized fishes would, for example pearl gourami. Could some one else verify this statement.
Personaly I think the only real way of knowing when you have too many fish is to test your water. If nitrates can be kept under control with a single weekly water change, you don't have a problem. I wouldn't consider pearl gouramies messy... plecos maybe, but not most gouramies. Plus pearls are peaceful and preffer the upper layers so they shouldn't get in the way of any other fish.

BTW, I have never kept any of those rasboras so I only estimated their sizes and do not know what their water preferences are like (but probably slightly soft and acidic water - like plecos and gouramies ;) ).

If you want smaller fish, why not some kind of tetra or pencil fish? Or try golden dwarf barbs or harlequin rasboras.

Out of curiosity, why does your tank only hold 90 litres? (How much is this in gallons exactly? 30?)
90 litres is about 24 us gallons, I think. And only 90 because sand, rocks, driftwood and plants take their space too and I can't fill the aquarium to full brim.

Pencilfish is a good suggestion. And harlequin rasboras even better, maybe I could have lambchop rasboras now. I've always liked them. Thanks.
How does ~3 sparkling gouramis and few amanos sound as an addition?
Thanks for help. Tank has been running for a while now. Fishes are 3x Pangio myersi, 4x sparkling gouramy, 5x exclamationpoint rasbora, 12x mosquito rasbora, 2x amano shrimp.

Here is the tank:

24 gallons water, pH 6.5, kH 1, gH 3, temp. 26C, no nitrites or ammonia, nitrate 0-5. I know temperature is bit high for amanos, I will transfer them to my shrimptank if needed. I do partial water changes every week.

I'm thinking what I could add. Why do I want to add something? Because of the low nitrate. I think it's dumm to separately put nitrate to tank for plants.

One fish I like is liquirice gouramy. What will happen if I put liquirices and sparklings to same tank? They look much a like, will they fight? Has anyone tried?
Maybe I could add few kuhlies more? Or some small rasboras, If someone just could bring some to finland too :sly: .

Thanks. :)
Wow! Looks very nice! I don't think you should realy add any more fish. I suppose a couple of khulies or just a few small rasboras would be ok but not much more.

I'd skip the licorice gouramies - they are extremely fragile fish, easily stressed and very sensitive to water quality. Your tank is pretty much fully stocked now, I wouldn't risk putting any of these in for fear of them dying if the water quality were to deteriorate even slightly. They shouldn't be a problem compatibility-wise with the croakers. Nothing serious anyway. But, as I said, they are very fragile and do best in a heavily planted species tank.
Maybe you are right. If I get somekind of plantcatastrophy then nitrate can rise. Thought then I will ofcourse asap get new plants.

Thought I don't think this aquarium is totally, fully stocked. And that is because of the size of rasboras. Even the biggest of them is only about 1/2 inches. :wub:

I love the gourami in that pic!

If your nitrAtes are under control, you can I suppose add some more fish. I still don't think licorice gouramies are the best idea but if you think you can manage it go ahead and try but be prepaired if anything seems to be going wrong. :) Oh and be aware that licorice gouramies don't breathe atmospheric air like other labyrinth fish so the water does need to be well oxygenated for them.
sylvia said:
I love the gourami in that pic!

If your nitrAtes are under control, you can I suppose add some more fish. I still don't think licorice gouramies are the best idea but if you think you can manage it go ahead and try but be prepaired if anything seems to be going wrong. :) Oh and be aware that licorice gouramies don't breathe atmospheric air like other labyrinth fish so the water does need to be well oxygenated for them.
I agree .

I don't know beens about licorice gouramis , wish I did , how about a croaker or 2 , or 4 ? :lol:

nice tank thapsus :cool:
Thanks. Well, maybe I like liquirice gouramys just because I like challenges. ;)
Actually they are very rare, but store near me possibly gets them. So that is where I got the idea. I have found it difficult to come up any species I would wan't. And then I found liquirices. But, maybe I need to think this second time. I donät want to do anything rushed. :)
Ok, now I have thinked enough. I really need to get something more. Nitrate stays 0 what ever I do.

Now I have
12 boraras brigittae
8 boraras uropthalmoides
4 sparkling gouramys
7 kuhlies
2 amanos

Yes, I know, it sounds very full. But it doesn't look full. What's the problem you are asking. Plants seem to suffer. I would use kalium- or natriumnitrate but I can't get it anywhere. I'm not happy about the situation because I would like to have even more plants. Now I would have to take some plants of so rest could get nitrate they need.

What can I do? Please help.

Sparklings are great. Could I get more of them?

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