Stocking ideas


Jan 25, 2023
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New York
I like thinking of different take I can get and recently I have been thinking of getting a 55 gallon eventually. At the moment I have one 10 gallon with neon, serpae, balck neon, and red and yellow von rio tetras, so with the much larger tank I want some larger fish. I was thinking of cichlids but I want multiple kinds. If anyone has any ideas of want kind of cichlids would be good for a 55 and can live with different kinds of cichlids, that we be great. I am open to other ideas as well I just kind of want a different tank with some different kinds of fish. Also was wondering what kind of bottom feeders would be good. Thank you in advance!!
It will help us suggest species if you could post your source water parameters, especially GH and pH. And the dimension (length and width especially) of the tank, if it is different from the standard of 48 by 12 inches.
The tank size would be around 36”xLong
18”xHigh 26”xDeep maybe a bit bigger and as for the parameters since if haven’t gotten the tank yet I’ll bace the parameters around the fish that I choose and right now I’m just looking for ideas.
It's not a good idea to change your water to suit the fish, rather, choose fish that will thrive in the water that comes out your tap. It's much easier, less complicated and less to go wrong.
I just tested the pH of my tap water and it was about 6.6 or 6.8 so pretty low.
pH isn't particularly important, it's gH. The easiest way to find out your water hardness is to visit your water provider's website. It will give you a number either in gH or ppm 👍🏻
Your 10 gallon is inappropriately stocked. I recommend the tetras go in the 55 with at least a shoal of ten for each species.
pH isn't particularly important, it's gH. The easiest way to find out your water hardness is to visit your water provider's website. It will give you a number either in gH or ppm 👍🏻
I am pretty sure my tap water is hard it has been working well for my tetras, they have survived for quite a few years.
With a pH of below 7 it is more likely that you have soft water. However it is not impossible that you have hard water. CaptianBarnicles referred you to your water supplier's website - looking on there is a lot cheaper than buying a GH tester. The website will call it hardness, you need a number and the unit of measurement (ppm, mg/l calcium carbonate, dH, German degrees, grains per gallon are all different units for measuring GH)
At the end of the day you can do whatever you want, but ultimately you'll be wasting your money and allowing fish to suffer and die by not giving them the conditions they need to live a happy and healthy life 🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry if that sounds harsh, it's meant with best intentions, I'm not very good at being subtle I'm afraid. Many of us who have been in the hobby 20-30 years and more have all been in your situation and thought we knew better, in fact we've all had to eat humble pie many a time when we've lost fish from ignorance. Do yourself a favour and learn from our mistakes 😅

As soon as we know your water hardness, we can help you out with some excellent suggestions. It might not be what you had in mind initially but you may just be surprised with what else is out there!
At the end of the day you can do whatever you want, but ultimately you'll be wasting your money and allowing fish to suffer and die by not giving them the conditions they need to live a happy and healthy life 🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry if that sounds harsh, it's meant with best intentions, I'm not very good at being subtle I'm afraid. Many of us who have been in the hobby 20-30 years and more have all been in your situation and thought we knew better, in fact we've all had to eat humble pie many a time when we've lost fish from ignorance. Do yourself a favour and learn from our mistakes 😅

As soon as we know your water hardness, we can help you out with some excellent suggestions. It might not be what you had in mind initially but you may just be surprised with what else is out there!
Thank you. Sometimes being harsh is the only option😁I can be quite harsh at times as well. The reason there are so many fish is I recently did a cross country move and had to leave my 29 gallon and only take my 10.
I moved the fish from the 29 into the 10. I oringinally had just the 5 red and yellow von rio tetras in my 10 gallon. Since then I had to move 5 serpae, 4 neons, and 6 black neons into the 10. A few of the fish have passed away I am pretty sure from old age because I have had these fish for quite a few years. So know I have about 17, so my tank is way overstocked. One of my von rio tetras isn’t doing to well though. I am not sure what it is, I have it posted in another post to see if anyone can help. I realize to fix the amount of fish in my tank is to get a second tank one once again.
General hardness??? :shout: tell us what it is and then we'll be able to help
I have a well so I can’t check a website for the hardness of my water so I am going to have to order a testing kit, so we will see if I get around to that.

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