Stocking Ideas!

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Apr 28, 2011
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3ft tank-150 or so Litres, fluval 305..

-dwarf rainbowfish#6
-cherry barb#4
-checkered barb#4
-some form of small schooling fish#20?
-Kuhli loaches#10
-some shrimp, possible RCS, but i am worried that they will get eaten?, as they will cost me $7each!!!
-and *POSSIBLY* some glass cats down the line#7

to much? input positive or negative appreciated!
Rainbowfish and barbs are both schooling fishes. Like a lot of people will tell you, it's better to have one or two large schools, rather than 5 small schools. Personally I would get the cherry barbs and checkered barbs, 12 each, then a pair of medium size fish like gouramis (almost replicating my own tank! :p). The bottom dwellers you mentioned have small bioload (apparently) so shouldn't be problem. I would not get the catfish though as they might eat your shrimps.

BTW what is your pH?

if your worried about the shrimp getting eaten..look into the electric Blue lobster..they are gorgeous and larger so you wouldn't have to worry about them getting eaten..just a thought :)

3ft tank-150 or so Litres, fluval 305..

-dwarf rainbowfish#6
-cherry barb#4
-checkered barb#4

-some form of small schooling fish#20?
-Kuhli loaches#10
-some shrimp, possible RCS, but i am worried that they will get eaten?, as they will cost me $7each!!!
-and *POSSIBLY* some glass cats down the line#7

to much? input positive or negative appreciated!

The bolded fish are already smaller schooling fish, unless you mean fish that are one inch or smaller for this like phoenix rasboras.

I would scrap the "small schooling fish" and just up the numbers of the dwarf rainbows to 8-10, cherry barbs to about 12-15, and checkered barbs to 10-12. Another option for shrimp is ghost shrimp... these are usually about $1 each by comparison to the cherry shrimp.

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