Stocking Ideas


Fish Fanatic
Aug 26, 2008
Reaction score
Wrexham, Wales
I Recently Bought A Used Juwel 125 & Will be Setting It Up In the Comming Weeks.The Tank doesnt currently have any filteration and i alos need advice on a cheap external filter for the tank. I'm Now Starting To Think About Stocking. The Only Fish I Have Kept Before Are Guppies, Platys, Mollies, Swordtails To Get To Know The Hobby. Im Going for a sand bottom and thinking about planting for the first time.

Open to ideas community tanks or not

Many Thanks :D
can you convert it to US gallons plz, or what is the tanks size in liters?
if the 125 is the tank size, then you have 33 gallons.
i would add some maybe neon dwarf rainbow fish maybe 5 or 6
then get a pair of angels.
then a school of cories that you like about 5at least
maybe another school of a type of barb or danio you like.
then add a pairor solitary "center piece" fish you like.
I would be very careful adding angel fish.

They are very aggressive and territorial fish that should really be kept on with other fish of their kind.

Also, they love to eat, they will try to eat anything that will fit into their mouth. lol

So, having small fish in there with the angels is not, IMO, the best idea.

if the 125 is the tank size, then you have 33 gallons.

then get a pair of angels.

33 US gallons / 27.5 Imperial Gallons

Should Angels always be kept in pairs??? I only have 1 after the other died. I think because he was bullied by the surviving one.
Dont know if it will help,
but this is what im stocking when cycled.

1 male 2 female pearl gouramis

6 cories

1, 5-8" plec (after max growth)

sailfin mollies 4-6?

6 Rasboras or danios (will decide which one when i see them)

Then in 6 months time say another type (danios) X 4-6 and the 2 rams

It also depends on your filter im using a EX1200 which is a bit overkill for a 125L tank :good:
Also, they love to eat, they will try to eat anything that will fit into their mouth. lol

Aint that true!! :rolleyes: my angels never stop eating - they even have a food dance that they do when I walk in the room!

Should Angels always be kept in pairs??? I only have 1 after the other died. I think because he was bullied by the surviving one.

IME angels usually bully if there is more than 1 male, esp if there is a male-male-female threesome (one male pairs off with the female and the other gets killed usually!) 1 on it's own might get a bit lonely, but I'd personally leave it on its own rather than introduce new ones and risk it getting bolshy and killing them too.

ETA: ps. I wouldn't feel right about having angels in a tank as small as a 125 anyway. They need as much space as you can give them - I wouldn't be happy with mine in anything less than they are in at the moment - a 240L. I'd go for something smaller :good:
I Recently Bought A Used Juwel 125 & Will be Setting It Up In the Comming Weeks.The Tank doesnt currently have any filteration and i alos need advice on a cheap external filter for the tank. I'm Now Starting To Think About Stocking. The Only Fish I Have Kept Before Are Guppies, Platys, Mollies, Swordtails To Get To Know The Hobby. Im Going for a sand bottom and thinking about planting for the first time.

Open to ideas community tanks or not

Many Thanks :D

The tetratec or interpet external filters are good, the latter is more reasonably priced. Look on ebay though, I've saved loads on there.

Have you got any fish at the moment? You mentioned you have kept the livebearers before, how about trying some dwarf cichlids like apistogrammas or rams. Very pretty little fish and with 33 gallons you could keep pairs and try breeding them.

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