Stocking Ideas

May 16, 2007
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My tank is still cycling, i'm in the 10th day now and my 5 zebra danios are doing fine, nothing seems to affect those fish.

My levels seem to be stabilising, next week i may be adding some more fish to the tank.

I wondered if stocking it like this would be a good idea:

1 red tailed black shark (i've heard these are ok in bigger tanks with lots of caves)
1 flying fox
1 pearl gourami
6 rasboras
4 rummynose tetras
3 clown loaches
1 candy striped pleco
3 angels
Well all i have to say is watch out for the sharks , there bullies!(taken form friends exp. and other posts)
oh and what type of rasboras?
I'm afraid the tank isn't big enough for the Clown Loaches as they will grow to about 12".
Pearl Gouramis are best kept as 1 male and 2 females but might need to double check.
Up the Rummy Nose Tetras to at least 6 as they are better in a bigger group.
The Pleco is best being aded when the tank has matured more as they can be quite sensitive.
Not sure on the Angels, Flying Fox and the Shark.
1 red tailed black shark =4.5"
1 flying fox =6.5"
1 pearl gourami =4"
6 rasboras =12"
4 rummynose tetras =6"
3 clown loaches =36"
1 candy striped pleco =4.5
3 angels =18"

sorry to say this, but to hold your load of fish you're thinking of having
you would need a 92gallon tank.
so i suggest, getting rid of the clown loaches, as they do grow way to large,
and they'd be happier with a larger tank rather than a 50 gallon.
and that's alright, a couple too many, but only a 5 gallon difference,
ebcause without the clown loaches you have to have a 55.5 gallon tank,
so it's only 5.5 gallon difference!
good luck on your future tank!
i had a rtbs and he was a very big bully to my smaller fish. definitely get rid of the clown loaches and up rumy noses to 6. i would only get 2 angels because if you get 3 then you might possibly get a pair and then there is one that is lonely and might get bullied by other angels. rtbs also grow more than 4.5 inches around 6 inches i would say

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