Stocking ideas for 20 gallon long???


Fish Fanatic
Mar 16, 2022
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United States
I recently got a 20 gallon long tank and Im putting my fish in my 10 gallon to this new 20 gallon but I’m wondering if you guys think I could add any more fish.
The fish that r going into the 20g:
Guppies x6
Tetra x7
I recently got a 20 gallon long tank and Im putting my fish in my 10 gallon to this new 20 gallon but I’m wondering if you guys think I could add any more fish.
The fish that r going into the 20g:
Guppies x6
Tetra x7
what are you parameters? gh, kh, ph...
And, in addition to the parameters (GH, pH esp), what is/are the "tetra" species?
The 20 long is great for smaller fast moving fish that like to zip around. Swordtails, Zebra Danios and White Clouds. Any Tetra would love to live in there. Shallower and longer , the 20 long is a nice size.
Have you got male or female guppies?
Females produce babies and they will fill up any spare space in the tank.

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