Stocking Ideas For 15 Gallon


Jan 3, 2006
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I am looking for ideas for my 15 gallon. I want something interesting, not another tropical community.

I was thinking along the lines of Puffer of some sort. Any ideas? Haven't decided Brackish or Freshwater.

What could go with this Puffer, a Butterfly Fish?


A Butterfly Fish and something/somethings else interesting? I'm not sure whether a 15 gallon is big enough for a butterfly fish?

Any ideas for a 15 gallon?

Could get some dwarf puffers and some ottos, or some red eyed puffers (not sure whether some, maybe only one...) and theyre both FW...

I strongly suggust you go with the African butterfly fish.

It'll be a great top dweller, as well as very entertaining to watch.

Then you could do a school of cories and/or kuhli loaches. they'll pretty much leave each other alone.

Depending on the dimensions, you could do either 1 or 2 African butterfly fish, 6 cory, and 4-6 kuhli loach.

how's that sounds :hey:
too many fish!

i'd say that the following would work:

--1 ABF
--5 cories (one of the larger types such as the bronze/albino)


--1 South American Puffer
--5/6 khuli loaches


--2/3 dwarf puffers
--2/3 otos


--a m/f pair of Red-Tail Puffers


--2 pairs of Badis
--5 cories


-- 1 Figure 8 puffer (brackish fish)
-- some smaller gobies such as goo-obo, peacocks, or bumblebees

take a look at for other ideas

remember that many oddballs are territorial and/or sensitive to water conditions, so you'll be better off in the long run if you understock your tank. cramming in as many fish as you can just creates more work for you and increases the chance of disease/violence in your fish.
Go brackish with a single figure 8 puffer and some bumblebee gobies.

Thanks for all your suggestions.

I've decided not to go with the African butterfly fish. My reasons for this are that they prefer softer water than i have, and they're sensitive to Nitrates.

I have decided to go the Figure 8 puffer and Bumblebee Gobies.

How many Bumblebee Gobies could i keep?

This would be my first time with Brackish so expect lots of questions.

What are the dimentions of the tank? You would need a decent amount of small hiding places for the gobies to get away from the puffer. You could probably do around 3-4 bumble bee gobies. That doesnt mean you have to get 3 or 4, you could go with a smaller number.
ABF do not need soft water in most cases, and are just as sensitive as ammonia, etc. as any other fish. But, your tank is too small for one.

I'd go with the figure eight, but be careful with the bumblebee gobies with it.
another cool goby is the knight goby. I agree that a 15 gal is way to small for a ABF
Figure 8 puffers actually make really good BBG tankmates. Anyone that keeps these fish together will probably tell you the same.
another cool goby is the knight goby. I agree that a 15 gal is way to small for a ABF

I agree that it's a cool goby, but too big for a 15g really.
another cool goby is the knight goby. I agree that a 15 gal is way to small for a ABF

I agree that it's a cool goby, but too big for a 15g really.
A 15 gallon tank is fine for a pair of knight gobies, but they can't be housed with the BBG's.
A 15 gallon tank is fine for a pair of knight gobies, but they can't be housed with the BBG's.

I am not thinking of doing this. But why aren't they allowed to be kept together?
Knight gobies have very large mouths, (it's said that a knight goby can swallow a whole cricket) the poor bees will definitely become a snack.

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