Stocking Help


Sep 10, 2008
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kk, I'm sure im overstocked. 100% sure im overstocked. :)

29G Tank :

Bala shark <-- How did that guy get me into buying this! :/
Yellow Dwarf Gourami
Black skirt tetra
Two Swordtails
Three Weather Loaches <-- might give off problems in the future.
Two ADFs. (haven't seen the other one in a long time..)

Yeah, im overstocked. I should get rid of the bala.

Soo, I asked my mom today if we could go to the tmr so i could trade my bala.

Whats her response? : NO.

She asks me how much i bought it for, and how its a waste of and I should just keep it. I fought back for the sake of my bala, but... yeaaah.. Im gonna try to argue again later, or tomorrow. (I WILL argue, in certain occasions when it comes to an 'organisms' life.)

So, here are my choices


Return the bala shark for :

- One yellow dwarf gourami
- One Female Koi Swordtail
- Two 1" BST

(If that seems like a ripoff for me or them, could someone tell me what to add/take away?)

So, this is what my stock would be if I could get them all:

Two yellow dwarf gouramis. (Honey, yellow, etc.)
Three Swordtails (Two females, one male. Swordtails can breed with any swordtail, right? Because koi's are I think black and white while mine are orange and a lil black)
Three Black Skirt Tetras
Two ADF's
Three Weather Loaches.

That'd be fine, right? Cause I'm goingto give away two-one loaches to PabloTheFish for christmas if he gets his darn 29g tank ):


Give back the bala for :

- 7 Rummy noses, 7 neons, 7 blacks, 7 glow light tetras. (Which ones should I choose.)

My stock list would be :
- One yellow dwarf
- One BST
- Two ADFS
- Three Weather Loaches
- Two swordtails


Give back the bala for :

- One yellow dwarf
- Two rosy red gourami
- One wood shrimp

Which option? Thats what I'm asking you. (I will be taking peoples opinions, btw.)

Also, my lps sells some kinda fish labled 'baby whale.' I've always been curious, should I get one and try I.Ding it? its 15$, its like 3-4" Im guessing..
Trade him in for some more black skirt tetras - aim for 5-6 of them. If your existing swordtails are a male and female, a second female may also be in order.

"Baby whales" are usually elephant nose if I'm not mistaken. I'd stay away from one - I'm pretty sure your tank is too small, and they have specialized feeding needs, as well.
Trade him in for some more black skirt tetras - aim for 5-6 of them. If your existing swordtails are a male and female, a second female may also be in order.

"Baby whales" are usually elephant nose if I'm not mistaken. I'd stay away from one - I'm pretty sure your tank is too small, and they have specialized feeding needs, as well.

>:D 5-6? Will do! :)

But, is the stock over, or under? For either option, or your own?

Yeah, I'd stay away from the 'elephant nose' :p

Thanks Corleone, you never stop helping my threads. :)
How bout the stock list:

1 yellow dwarf gourami
5 Black Skirt Tetra
3 weather loach, giving away 1-2 later
2 ADFs
3 swordtails (1M, 2F)

Also, the swordtails can all interbreed....koi is just a color pattern. I made this stock list assuming you'll want to keep a weather loach, but I think a better choice would be a school of 5ish cories/otos or 1 BN/pitbull plec. Also, I think you could still add a shrimp or two if you wanted, assuming the gourami won't eat it.

I hope your mom lets you return the bala! Maybe if she doesn't, you could try to convince her to let you sell it and then buy a few more fish later. Maybe she (and you) would get a better deal out of that money wise. Good luck!

I agree with the other posters ahead of me.

More black skirt tetras, another female swordtail (usually 1:1 male to female can be stressful for the female)

Certainly that bala has to go. Even though he may be healthy for awhile at some point he will be too fast/active/large and terrorize your other smaller, passive fish.

Picture being stuck in a gymnasium with a charging elephant.
kk, well this is what has come to me. :

5-6 BST

3 Loaches

3 Swordtails

2 Gouramis

2 ADF's

Is that fine? Could I possibly add a school of tetra/ 2 more gouramis?
Is this the same tank that has that huge Algae problem? Personally I think I'd sort that first.

Sorry, I know I'm a noob but with the work (from what I gather) that you'll have to do to sort the tank surely it will just stress fish?
kk, well this is what has come to me. :

5-6 BST

3 Loaches

3 Swordtails

2 Gouramis

2 ADF's

Is that fine? Could I possibly add a school of tetra/ 2 more gouramis?

That sounds good, I don't know about the tetra/gouramis though. I'm not sure how big the weather loaches get...or the yellow dwarf gouramis either. Actually I've never heard of yellow dwarf gouramis, but I'm assuming you mean honeys? I bet you could add a group of small, calm tetra with good filtration and regular water changes. However you might wait till your tank is pretty mature.

My black skirt tetras are very peaceful, I have them with sailfin mollies, angelfish, pearl gouramis, and a couple male guppies - all big draws for nipping, but the only fish that causes disruption is the occasional outburst from my panchax (mostly directed at smaller fish - danios mostly).
My black skirt tetras are very peaceful, I have them with sailfin mollies, angelfish, pearl gouramis, and a couple male guppies - all big draws for nipping, but the only fish that causes disruption is the occasional outburst from my panchax (mostly directed at smaller fish - danios mostly).

Yes. I know. :]

Im going with the plan up there until I fix up my aglae bloom. (parents want me to do 100%..)

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