Stocking.. Help!


Fish Fanatic
May 11, 2007
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Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines..
im kinda new with this stocking thing please help!!
i have a 30x18x18 or 40g.
im planning to have:
5 x sumatra barb
5 x tiger barb
6 x neon tetras or cardinal
6 x red zebra danios
1 x clown loach
2 x guoramis (dont know what yet)
5 x albino corys
is this ok? can neon and barbs stock?
Where do you live?

You shouldent keep just one clown loach.

Neons and barbs should be fine...but the tiger barbs can sometimes be very aggressive unless you keep more of them, the minimum I'd recommend you buy is 8, if one or two die and they aren't aggressive don't worry, but starting off with less than 8 in a peaceful community tank is risky.

Apart from the clown loach that needs to be kept in groups and is a bad choice because of eventual large size and the tiger barbs, that stocking seems fine if you do the following:

Over filter the tank, this means adding a second filter or replacing the current one with something bigger - not usually actually needed, but it's always good to do if you are going to go over the 1" per gallon rule to be safe.

Keep up your water changes, when going over the 1" per gallon rule, generally there's no slacking on water changes when you are over stocking your tank, and I wouldn't recommend 'overstocking' this if your first tank or you don't have too much experience :good: .

Stock the fish slowly, stock over at least a 6 month period .
im from Philippines..
you said they should be fin..a BIG "should".. :unsure:
so only the tetras are not so compatible with the tiger barb?
what about the zebra, gouramis and others?
5 suamtra + 5 tiger barb is 10 is that ok?
should the barb be of the same species?
tnx!! for the trouble..
Tiger barbs really aren't good community fish they get nippy and chase.

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