stocking guide

Im from the uk and i tend to use that rule i inch per gallon not everyone goes by that though . :huh:
Are you buying UK fish or US fish :lol: ;)
Really bubbs the 1 inch rule is simply a guideline ( and usually a good one) as to how much full grown fish you can stock your tank with. Remember it is full grown size that you should be using. That said, it is only a guideline because your water conditions will let yo know if you are overstocked. If the nitrate level builds up too quickly between water changes this is a good indication that the bioload is too great for the tank and trouble is on the way. HTH :)
I won't say Bah!, but the 1" inch gulde is just that... a guide. It really isn't that precise. It exists to give new fishkeepers a concrete number they know not to go over.

I don't know what you're planning to put in your tank, but do a lot of research and thinking before you buy anything. Ask people here for assistance in making sure you are getting a reasonable number of compatible fish. That's what we're here for!

When it's time to actually stock, do it slowly, allowing the tank to come back to equilibrium for at least 2 weeks between additions. Your tank will generally tell you (by making you do more frequent water changes due to increasing nitrates) when it is full. If this is your first experience fishkeeping, give the tank and yourself at least 6 months to get used to one another. Don't go over 1" of fish per US gallon no matter what in that time.

This hobby teaches a great deal of patience. I don't always like it, as I'm sure you won't at times, but in the end no one with fish ever regretted being patient. Plenty have regretted not being so.

That was a lot of advice. Sorry. And you though you were asking a simple question! :D
modernhamlet said:
This hobby teaches a great deal of patience. I don't always like it, as I'm sure you won't at times, but in the end no one with fish ever regretted being patient. Plenty have regretted not being so.
Hear hear! As someone once said to me, which I've found to be so true: Only bad things happen quickly in fish tanks!
dwarfs said:
1 inch per gallon. Bah!
this rule is a good guideline for beginners and i think it should be used at first untill people are more experienced. Only then should the rules be bent and it is certainly a good guideline for newly cycled tanks. once tanks are matured and experience is gained ONLY then should this guide be ignored.

remember its only a guide for newbies... and its a pretty safe bet.
Thanks for all your help. I'm slowly stocking a new small (70ltr) tank and so far nitrAtes seem to be stable at 12.5, Nitrites 0 and Ph 7.5

Only have small fish though 5 Black widow tetras, 5 neon tetras and 2 dwarf Gouramis, all added at different times.

Maybe I'm fully stocked now ( for a while at least to see how things go)

Thanks again
bubbs said:
Thanks for all your help. I'm slowly stocking a new small (70ltr) tank and so far nitrAtes seem to be stable at 12.5, Nitrites 0 and Ph 7.5

Only have small fish though 5 Black widow tetras, 5 neon tetras and 2 dwarf Gouramis, all added at different times.

Maybe I'm fully stocked now ( for a while at least to see how things go)

Thanks again
1" untill the tank is mature - then 2" should be fine... as long as the water changes are regular and the filter is good...

oh and thats per uk gallon.
smithrc said:
1" untill the tank is mature - then 2" should be fine... as long as the water changes are regular and the filter is good...

oh and thats per uk gallon.
(I tried to put in a quote here hope its worked!) :unsure:

Thanks , thats good to know . At what point does the tank become Mature?
bubbs said:
smithrc said:
1" untill the tank is mature - then 2" should be fine... as long as the water changes are regular and the filter is good...

oh and thats per uk gallon.
(I tried to put in a quote here hope its worked!) :unsure:

Thanks , thats good to know . At what point does the tank become Mature?
we are talking a big timesvale here....

its 1 inch of fish per 5 gallons to cycle (hardy fish) then it needs to be built up very slowly over time after the cycle... 2 inches per gallon is over the top IMO and shouldnt be said to be a general rule at all.

to get to this level of stocking will take a long time and will also need excelent filtration.

stick to the 1 inch per gallon and only when you have the experience should you bend this rule IMO.

not a good rule of thumb for newbies.
gixer said:
bubbs said:
smithrc said:
1" untill the tank is mature - then 2" should be fine... as long as the water changes are regular and the filter is good...

oh and thats per uk gallon.
(I tried to put in a quote here hope its worked!) :unsure:

Thanks , thats good to know . At what point does the tank become Mature?
we are talking a big timesvale here....

its 1 inch of fish per 5 gallons to cycle (hardy fish) then it needs to be built up very slowly over time after the cycle... 2 inches per gallon is over the top IMO and shouldnt be said to be a general rule at all.

to get to this level of stocking will take a long time and will also need excelent filtration.

stick to the 1 inch per gallon and only when you have the experience should you bend this rule IMO.

not a good rule of thumb for newbies.
ok - true - lower stocking is a lot easier to maintain and the fish will not suffer a delayin water changes etc.

My filter is pretty good and gets 50% cleaned on a regular basis with good water changes higher stocking levels should be fine.

but as gixer said - its probubly "not a good rule of thumb for newbies."

(gixer is that as in bike??)
nasty... i did the same when i was 17... took me 5 years to get back on a bike.

It wasnt my fault though and the compensation came in very useful (and i'm 99% back to working orderHope things get better for you. must have been nasty.
gixer said:
stick to the 1 inch per gallon and only when you have the experience should you bend this rule IMO.

Sorry to hear about your accidents guys , hope you're both OK!!

--- please tell me what IMO means. I'm still a newbie , both at fish keeping and forums :*)

Thanks far all the advice .

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