Stocking For A 55Gal?

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Fish Fanatic
May 7, 2013
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I'm in the process of re-homing a fish.  When I find a home or place to give it to, I'm going to want to have something else in my tank!  This tank is a 55gal.
I have 2 angelfish who will not permit any other middle-top swimming fish in their territory.  They are jerks.  I also have a very passive black ghost knifefish.  I've had him for over a year but he is incredibly slow growing.  He is definitely not near maximum size for the tank, and I don't anticipate him ever outgrowing it.  Hell, even reaching maximum for it.  No commentary on this please - I'm sure.  Other than that, I just a few nerites.  It will be lonely when my other fish is gone.
Any ideas?  Ideally a fish that will dwell on the bottom and will not be aggressive towards the BGK, at least not provoked (which wont happen - my BGK is actually buddies with my huge catfish, he's a nice lil guy).  I need a fish that I can buy large enough that a large murderous angelfish won't eat it at LFS size, but that wont get more than 8-10 inches.
Thoughts?...  I'm guessing I'll need to order this to an LFS, so I need to know ahead of time.  No tank-shopping possible.  

[One idea is a pleco... Not because I have dreams of him serving a purpose in my tank, but because I genuinely like them.  But I'm not sure what types won't get too large, and I haven't had them since before I began real fish-keeping so I'm not knowledgeable about them yet.]
I also have a 55 gallon tank, heres what i suggest. I have a rainbow shark and he is great! Goes well with my angelfish and other fish. Stays at the bottom most of the time, won't get very big (about 6 inches) and they're gorgeous. A black shark will do the same. If you want something more top dwelling gouramis are labrinth fish and like to stay at the surface. They're also really gorgeous.
Really sorry and i know you dont want to hear this, but a normal and healthy BGK can easily outgrow a 55 gallon, i had a 12" and it looked small in 75 gallon, when i upgraded her to a 180 gallon it looked much happier, and ventured out into the open much more often afterwards. I would be more worried about what the BGK would eat, their mouths are much larger than an angels mouth. 
A black shark or rainbow shark most likely will fight with a BGK on the bottom. 
I like pearl gouramis alot, i have 4 in my 180 gallon and they are really nice, and not aggressive, idk if they would be nice in a 55 gallon though. 
I would suggest probably a adult bushy nose pleco.

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