Hello. So my hubby has just surprised me with a 55 gallon for Christmas. I'm thinking I would like a eel for it. I've seen on here that fire eels are too big but else where have read that they would work. So a little confused with that. I am also looking at the African butterfly fish. What else could I have in there and what kind of eel? I need big because this tank will be at the end of our bed and I would like to see them with out my glasses. Also would guppy fry and ghost shrimp be good live foods? We don't live close enough to get them but once every couple of months. So it would be nice to breed my own food for them. Thanks!
Edited to ask if I put a butterfly, black knife and peacock eel could I have anything else in there? I will put a another filter on if needed.
Black ghost knife is a no-no in your sized tank and as far as the spiny eels go try looking at the peacock spiny eels, or that general family. In your size tank one of the 8" spiny eels would be fine. Make sure that you use a soft substrate as they wont last long in gravel due to it scratching up their skin and causing infections. Also id feed it a mixture of frozen foods such as frozen blood worms, (live if you can get some), different types of shrimp and so forth, as guppies are just as bad as goldfish feeders and should be avoided....
Thanks! I have a couple of new questions now though. Why is the black knife a no-no? I have heard of lots of people having them in 55s and from what I've been reading it says that they can. Also why are the guppys bad? This is my first time feeding live fish so please enlighten me. I was thinking that if I breed them and feed them the best I could they would be good food. Could I buy frozen people seafood and feed them that. I was reading that that is okay to do. I found that I like the peacocks better then the fires so I will be getting one of those instead. I just read about a elephant nose fish. Would one of those work? Does it matter the order I get these guys?
This is what I read about these guys and was going off of
blackghost knife fish
Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Water Conditions: 73-80° F, KH 0-10, pH 6.5-7.0
Max. Size: 1' 6"
Color Form: Black
Diet: Carnivore
Origin: South America
Family: Apteronotidae
african butterfly fish
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Aggressive
Water Conditions: 75-86° F, KH 1-10, pH 6.9-7.1
Max. Size: 4"
Color Form: Green, Tan
Diet: Carnivore
Origin: Africa
Family: Pantodontidae
elephant nose fish
Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Water Conditions: 73-80° F, KH 0-10, pH 6.5-7.0
Max. Size: 9"
Color Form: Black
Diet: Carnivore
Origin: Africa
Family: Mormyridae
The Zig Zag Yellow Tail Eel
Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Water Conditions: 75-82° F, KH 10-15, pH 6.8-7.2
Max. Size: 7"
Color Form: Tan
Diet: Carnivore
Origin: Southeast Asia
Family: Mastacembelidae
So I was thinking that it would working my tank. Could I fit a school of something in there? Sorry I'm full of questions Im really excited about this. Ill do a journal once I get it. Im planing on using play sand for the bottom. One last question what does KH stand for?