Planted Section
I haven't bought any of the fish or the ADF yet and the tank is a 6 month matured (recent CO2 disaster kille total stock).
I am looking at getting a pair of ADF for my 29G tall planted tank.
There are plenty of hiding places and rock, stones, cobbles and loadsa bogwood.
The substrate is sand
The problem may be compatibility.
Would they be safe in this tank with:
4 x pitbull plecs (These are 3" when adult)
10 x Neons (1")
2 x German Blue Rams (3")
I know it says on a few sites not to put ADF with plecs or cichlids but the pitbulls are very small when fully grown and the Rams are said to be peaceful and they also only get to 3"
Last question.
Will the ADFs eat shrimp like ammanos or cherry?
I am looking at getting a pair of ADF for my 29G tall planted tank.
There are plenty of hiding places and rock, stones, cobbles and loadsa bogwood.
The substrate is sand
The problem may be compatibility.
Would they be safe in this tank with:
4 x pitbull plecs (These are 3" when adult)
10 x Neons (1")
2 x German Blue Rams (3")
I know it says on a few sites not to put ADF with plecs or cichlids but the pitbulls are very small when fully grown and the Rams are said to be peaceful and they also only get to 3"
Last question.
Will the ADFs eat shrimp like ammanos or cherry?