Stocking Compatibility


Planted Section
Oct 30, 2006
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Lincoln, UK
I haven't bought any of the fish or the ADF yet and the tank is a 6 month matured (recent CO2 disaster kille total stock).

I am looking at getting a pair of ADF for my 29G tall planted tank.

There are plenty of hiding places and rock, stones, cobbles and loadsa bogwood.

The substrate is sand

The problem may be compatibility.

Would they be safe in this tank with:
4 x pitbull plecs (These are 3" when adult)
10 x Neons (1")
2 x German Blue Rams (3")

I know it says on a few sites not to put ADF with plecs or cichlids but the pitbulls are very small when fully grown and the Rams are said to be peaceful and they also only get to 3"

Last question.
Will the ADFs eat shrimp like ammanos or cherry?

The ADF's wont eat the shrimp, they are slow and pretty blind when t comes to finding food, and amano shrimp get larger than them too. Cherry shrimp would be OK, but the chances of you getting any of the young to survive in the tank is pretty low. They would be fine with those fish too :good:.

The only concern I would have is the height of the tank...but I've never actually kept them so I don't know.
I d recall reading that they can get tired out in tall tanks from constantly swimming up and down to reach the air, maybe someone more experienced with ADF's can shed light on this?
OK Many Thanks for that.

Its probably gonna be a temp and Ph thing too, as I have to managed the Ph and temp to keep the Rams and Neons happy at about 27degrees/6.5Ph(The Ph is normally about 6.5 due to CO2 for the plants.

I don't know how well ADF's do in acidic water, we've had ACF'S in acidic water at the lfs with no problems, however ADF's are more sensitive than ACF's.

So yeah, I cant recommend them unless someone here with mote experience would like to step in, but it's worth a try.

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