Stocking Check


grumpy old man!
Oct 28, 2005
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No flaming me.. its a proactive not reactive question to stocking.

I have been looking into the fish i would like to put into my rio 180 community tank, and have come up with the list below.

Dwarf Gouramis x 2 = 11cm
Angelfish x 2= 30 cm (eventually)
petazona barbs x 6 = 30 cm
otos x 4 = 16 cm
cory x5 = 25 cm
blue rams x 2 = 10cm
bristlenose plec = 12cm

134cm of fish = 52 inches.. so slightly over the 1 inch per gallon rule, but this will depend on the types of fish i guess. its not a planted tank, but has a selection of low light level plants (if that helps with the nitrates at all).. the tank is currently going through a fishless cycle.

I believe (from research and asking questions) that these are compatible fish, but would like to make final check.

I added the rams last (to the list.. not the tank) after seeing them in the shop (they look great), and are my biggest concern as to wether this makes me overstocked or affects the balance of the commnunity.

Would they make me overstocked for a standard juwel filter?
do i have too many low level fish, or will the otos go all over the place?
Should i ease the stocking by getting a SAE and dropping the otos?
Are the rams ok?

Dont moan.. im new to this, and often get conflicting information.. I have NOT bought them yet, hence why i am checking first... (i do have the plec and 2 pentazona barbs in a tank i have inherited. so these cannot be removed form the list, unless taken to an LFS)

My new Barbs do not get on with the Gouramis. I am thinking of taking them back or giving them away. Pity you do not live near?
They are green ? what sort ?? Thanks
Personally, I think that stock list would be just fine. I personally do not subscribe to the inch per gallon rule, but is is a good place to start until you get the feel for your tank. Apparently it is only supposed to apply to slim fish under 3 inches.

The ony fish in that list I have no experience of are angels... but think that all you have listed would be compatible.

Rams are lovely, but are very short lived. Don't be surprised if you only have them for about 6 months. Depends on how old they are when you get them, but general concensus is they live about a year max.

People might moan at me for saying this, but if you have adequate filtration, I would (once you have slowly added the fish and have all the fish listed) perhaps even add more than just the 6 barbs.

Oh yeah, and in my experience, I have not found any cichlid that likes dwarf gouramis... others may have them mixed no problems, but whenever I mixed them, the gouramis took a beating.
I would leave some of these until the tank is mature. It will be cycled for a full tank, but some of those species (rams, gouramis, otos) are sensitive to water quality and should arguably only go in a mature tank, i.e. one that has been up and running for a few months. The tank tends to be a little more stable when it is mature.
Thanks for the comments so far.. as i have mentioned in another thread.. it sometimes seems like people are more willing to post and moan when your doing things wrong, than when your preparing to do it right. I know some questions can be tedious, but im learning.. if i had put a list together a few months ago, there would have been four or five clown loaches ;)

Much appreciated,
OK.. assuming i have the fish listed, i have a couple more questions.

What temperature would be a good comprimise for all the fish.?

What sort of food and feeding pattern would you put into place?

Thanks for the comments so far.. as i have mentioned in another thread.. it sometimes seems like people are more willing to post and moan when your doing things wrong, than when your preparing to do it right. I know some questions can be tedious, but im learning.. if i had put a list together a few months ago, there would have been four or five clown loaches ;)

Much appreciated,

Please understand that we all have limited time- I am working from home, marking exams and looking after two sick children at the same time. If I had to choose between two posts I would prioritise the one where I felt something had to be done urgently, like an overstocked tank facing an imminent ammonia spike. Your plans are about the future, so surely you can be patient for a day or two? It is a bit hit and miss on a forum like this- I've had posts which have not been answered at all, because nobody who felt called to comment happened to be on the forum at the right time. At least, two of us did answer. We are here, we care, honest.

As for your new questions, I would say a temperature of 25C is a good compromise. I would feed a mixture of flakes, algae wafers/catfish tablets for the bristlenose, live foods once a week or so, and a bit of veg now and then.
DG.. your comments and replys are appreciated as ever. Appologies, i was in a bad mood at work at the time, but there are still many members who find it easier to slate someone that to help someone. There was a mass of activity with people arguing over whether plants were girly or not, and i guess i was refering to that.

Indeed, nobody has to reply at all, but you can bet that if I had stocked the tank wrongly, i would have been told on mass. All too often (i am guilty sometimes too), people will point out what is wrong with your setup without answering the question. However, if i can answer the question at the same time I always will.. Its the manner of some of the replies too. as the beginner section says, we were all there at one point.

Once again, your help is appreciated, as with anybody who offers help and opinion. I cant skive from work all the time too ;) so i fully understand.

it sometimes seems like people are more willing to post and moan when your doing things wrong, than when your preparing to do it right.
Seems like human nature to me buddy... Sad but true! Good luck with your new tank anyway! :thumbs:

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