Stocking and compatibility in 29gal


New Member
Nov 17, 2023
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Hey guys,
I recently planted my third aquarium and would like your opinion on the stocking. The tank is 110l (29gal), I would say heavily planted, a lot of rocks and hiding places.
In the future Im thinking of:
12x Red Minor tetra, 12x Royal tetra, 12x Odessa barb, 12x Silvertip tetra or Lemon tetra, 5x Dwarf sucking catfish, 10x Amano shrimp, some snails and maybe a pair of either Cockatoo dwarf cichlid or Apistogramma viejita in the future.
Is it too much for 29gallon tank and should I add less? If so, which ones would you not recommend? Also, which of the fish would be the hardiest, so I can put them in first?

Thank you for your advice!
Hey guys,
I recently planted my third aquarium and would like your opinion on the stocking. The tank is 110l (29gal), I would say heavily planted, a lot of rocks and hiding places.
In the future Im thinking of:
12x Red Minor tetra, 12x Royal tetra, 12x Odessa barb, 12x Silvertip tetra or Lemon tetra, 5x Dwarf sucking catfish, 10x Amano shrimp, some snails and maybe a pair of either Cockatoo dwarf cichlid or Apistogramma viejita in the future.
Is it too much for 29gallon tank and should I add less? If so, which ones would you not recommend? Also, which of the fish would be the hardiest, so I can put them in first?

Thank you for your advice!

It's good you are going for larger groups of tetras at 12. I find it even more rewarding and better for them, if you push that to 20 (if the smaller kind) and have less different types, buts thats me. I personally would give the Odessa's a miss. If it were me, I'd rather they had more swimming space.
I have a 29g with 12 pygmy cories, 4 pandas, 4 juliis and 4 ADF's and am pretty much at full capacity (recently asked on here if i could add more and it was a pretty resounding no). I would say probably half of what you've listed would be full.

It's good you are going for larger groups of tetras at 12. I find it even more rewarding and better for them, if you push that to 20 (if the smaller kind) and have less different types, buts thats me. I personally would give the Odessa's a miss. If it were me, I'd rather they had more swimming space.
Ok so if Idont add Odessa's, can I add those 3 kinds of tetras all 15x? Isnt it still too much for the tank?
Hey guys,
I recently planted my third aquarium and would like your opinion on the stocking. The tank is 110l (29gal), I would say heavily planted, a lot of rocks and hiding places.
In the future Im thinking of:
12x Red Minor tetra, 12x Royal tetra, 12x Odessa barb, 12x Silvertip tetra or Lemon tetra, 5x Dwarf sucking catfish, 10x Amano shrimp, some snails and maybe a pair of either Cockatoo dwarf cichlid or Apistogramma viejita in the future.
Is it too much for 29gallon tank and should I add less? If so, which ones would you not recommend? Also, which of the fish would be the hardiest, so I can put them in first?

Thank you for your advice!
Yes id say your well overstocked here for a 29g.

Id do only 2 of the upper level species. Odessa's would need a bigger tank and the red minor Aka Serpae Tetra are known to be troublesome in community set ups as they are notoriously aggressive and fin nippers. So id give them a miss and go for the similar looking Red phantom tetra instead maybe🙂

The Royals and silvertips have also got alittle rep for fin nipping but not in the same league as the serpae.

The lemons are a lovely fit with the Apistogramma and the catfish 🙂 id add the catfish last tho. They need a well established tank to make sure there is enough algae for them to fed off etc

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