Stocking And Compatabilty Advice


New Member
Mar 24, 2009
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Hello, I currently have 2 banded leporinus about 6 inches each, 1 eclipse catfish 6-7 inches, a rainbow shark 4 inches, and a mono argentus about 4-5 inches in a 45 gallon. I know they are getting to big, so I am setting up a 165 gallon tank (tall) to put them in. Tank is 4 foot long, 2 foot wide, 31 inches deep. I know the mono is suppossed to be brackish, but I bought him a long time ago when I didn't know anything about fish and he's done well in freshwater so far. In fact all of these fish were purchased before I knew what I was doing. LOL These fish are all very aggressive, they used to have a few other tank mates but they killed them all. My question is what kind of cichlids could I try with these guys, cuz obviously they don't need all 165 gallons. Wanted to add a Ps. demasoni, was told that would work, but what else could possibly work? Prefer not to have any massive frontosas or anything that large, although they are cool. :)

Thanks for taking the time to help.

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