Stocking Advice


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2009
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I was wondering if some people could give me their opinion on how to stock my new 15 gallon tank. I used media from a 7 month old 5.5 gallon planted tank (sponge)and added it along with 4 lemon tetras to the new tank. I plan to let it stabilize for at least a month. I have 2 panda cories and 1 pygmy (survivor) and 2 sparkling gouramis in the older tank. I was thinking of adding the gouramis and cories to the new tank after a month or so. Then I would use the 5.5 tankk as a quarantine for the next batch of fish. Sound good?

Stocking Plan for 15 gallon

4 lemon tetras (add 2 more?)
3 cories (add two more?)
2 sparkling gouramis (any more?)

Thanks for any advice.
Sounds good. I would definately consider bringing the lemon shoal up to 6 as it will help avoid nippyness from them and if you have good filtration and maintenance habits it should not put you overstock by enough to matter. WD
Well, I was hedging on the cories since the tank is small enough that I'd think it better to possibly only enlarge one or the other group (lemons can get pretty big when mature.) Its true that large groups of cories are a wonder (10 and above and they get really happy and active.) But I don't tend to think of cories as needing a minimum 6 in the same way as strictly shoaling fish like tetras need it. Maybe I'm just dead wrong on that but I somehow feel like slight undersized cory groupings will somehow not be quite as bad or stressful on the inidividual fish as it would be with tetras (but to tell you the truth I guess the outward symptoms are at least somewhat the same...)


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