Stocking Advice


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2008
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Just looking for a quick bit of stocking advice on my 110 litre (29 us gallon) juwel reckord.

The tank is pretty well planted and has been running now for 3 or 4 months without many problems (except for an outbreak of hyrda which has thankfully been wiped out with the help of BigC.. thanks again colin :good: )

I currently have 4 peppered corys and 6 glowlight tetra.

Over the next few months I would like to add 6 to 10 neon tetras and if possible a male & female bolivian ram or 3 oto's. So was wondering if anyone would be able to offer some advice on what would be a healthy final stocking.

Would this be considered overstocked :
4 peppered corys
6 glowlight tetras
8 neon tetras

and if possible

2 bolivian rams

Or can anyone suggest a better mix as dont want to knock the tank out of balance (tank was fishless cycled & thankfully no trace of ammonia or nitrite has shown up to date :) )

Thanks for the help :good:
Stocking sounds fine (although personally i would add 6 rather than 10 neons, as so to help avoid over-crowding in the tank) :) , although i'm honestly no expert on rams so i can't say much about how those will go in the tank.
Stocking sounds fine (although personally i would add 6 rather than 10 neons, as so to help avoid over-crowding in the tank) :) , although i'm honestly no expert on rams so i can't say much about how those will go in the tank.

Cheers Tokis, yea im now thinking 6 neons would probaly be the best option too.


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