stocking advice

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Aug 31, 2005
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not really a beginner to fiskeeping, but just want to know what you guys think i should stock a small new tank with... its 45 gallons, with an enheim canister filter 204 (i know its underfiltered... plan to ad another or swap to sumthing else...), heater and lfourescent lighting... wut u guys think? Its hexagonal tall so....that will probably be a drwback.
a pair of angels? and the perhaps a few cories... It really depends what you like. I love cories and angels but i dont have a tank big enough for any angels so im just giving you what i would do but it depends what you like. :D
i dont really like angels... i just dont find them attractive.....
any other suggestions?
It depends what type you like, Community? Cichlids? species? If you tell us what you prefer im sure people can give you some nice combinations. :)

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