Stocking A New Tank


New Member
Oct 11, 2009
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Well I transferred my Betta from a 2.5 gal to a 5 gal with the same filter and an additional larger filter with cycled media.

Ok, so, I ordered an 8 gal TALL along with the 5 gal. Its 12" x 12" x 16". I have a Tetra AX 60Plus which is plenty and should be able to hold the load of a 10G.

I need some stocking ideas. My original idea was to put my betta boy in there but opted against it. Since its a taller tank it doesnt have too much surface area but there are a few stocking Ideas I came up with but I would love other peoples suggestions.

1) Female betta sorority (5 females) but Im not sure if enough hiding spaces can be made in a tall tank?

2) Endlers, Guppies (rather avoid)

3) Honey Gourami and some dwarf rosabarbras and pygmy cories

I want Clean Fish. I am a frequent vacationer but have no one to take care of them when I am gone. I can get them fed but water changes are too much (When on vacation I keep it to 2 weeks and water change as soon as I get home).

i would avoid mixing endlers and guppies (thats IMHO). Your tank stocking sounds a little full to me for the sorority (link)

You could have 6 endlers (considering they will breed) (link

Honey gouramis and pygmy cories (link
couldnt read what else you wanted tho - dwarf rasboras maybe?

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