Stocking a 90 gallon


New Member
Apr 12, 2004
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Hey! I got a 90 gallon tank at Christmas (Hail to the boxing day sales!) and I have finally transferred all my fish around into proper spots (goldfish, sick fish, community fish all needed rearrangement) Anyways, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about any interesting fish I could add in my tank. I have 3 clown loaches (in a hospital tank at the moment, but will be moved back soon) 4 black skirted tetras, 1 Black Ghost Knife, 1 Pictus catfish (I hear they like to school, but I have been having trouble with 'him' attacking other fish, and am unsure whether or not to keep him) one female swordtail, 2 Corys (more on the way soon) and one Bristle nose Pl*co. It seems to me that the tank is pretty barren, and I would like some larger fish and maybe a school of something that will be large enough to be safe from the larger fish in my tank. Any advice is appreciated!
silver dollars are pretty large schooling fish but i don't know much bout them, they are herbavorous and not territorial so you should look into those maybe
Silver dollars will also eat almost any aquatic plant and should be in shoals of 4. How about African Butterfly fish (non schooling) or bala sharks ? MAYBE? Get big and could possibly eat those tetras. Not very many schooling fish besides tiger barbs (fin nippers) tetras (kinda small) danios ( 2") or rainbows who can very in sizes.
Congo Tetras :thumbs:

I would add two or three discus fish to the tank. Put since you have that pictus that is attacking the other fish I would wait untill you decide what to do with the fish. If you do sell or give away I would go for it. Get them at about 5 or maybe four inched long. wait you said you have a african ghost knife. I have an african brown knife. I would ask around the forum(to see if you can put the ghost knife and the discus in the same tank although the knifes seem to be very peacfull,ecxept for the african clown knife that in a nice and big tank can reach a length of at least 24 inches) if you decide that would be the fish for you. 8)

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