Stocking A 70l


Fish Fanatic
Jul 27, 2006
Reaction score
Orpington, Kent , UK
Hi all, im looking at rehoming the current occupents of my 70L and starting a new world styled tank.

My Questions:
Is it possible to even do this?
Can a peaceful community be created?
Is there any fish that can live in the lower quarter of the tank?

The tank is a Jewel Rekord 70, i have seen this done in a LFS but its in a rekord 80, they have 2 angels, 1 golden ram, 4 cories of some description and a dozen neons/cardinals.

Thanks for your help,

The angels will only work short-term as they will quickly outgrow a 70 ltr, so not a good idea. But there are lots of other options, like rams or apistos, with any number of small tetras to choose from for the upper regions.
Ok cheerz guys, will look in to above mentioned and decide once i feel that i have the correct amount of research under my belt.

A firemouth would be too big for a 70l, but you could have a pair of rams I'd think, or go for apistos (really beautiful fish - and full of character despite their little size!) :)
Some Apistogrammas or if you don't mind it being an Old world Cichlid, then Egyptian Mouthbrooders.
To me 70 litres would be stupid option for most new world cichlids,unless they were some rams or somthing tiny.

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