Stocking A 60L Or 90L Tank

Ahhhhh, Multiple Tank Syndrome claims another victim......
Is there a support group for MTS? Where will it all end? How tanks many is too many?
when you have a tank in every room, and possibly even a room (or a garage conversion) completely for tanks.... I think then you should stop lol... or get a pond o_O
when you have a tank in every room, and possibly even a room (or a garage conversion) completely for tanks.... I think then you should stop lol... or get a pond o_O
Guess I should have stopped a long time ago!! Go for the biggest tank you can afford and have room for. It only gets worse from here!! :lol:
I've seen Dwarf Gourami in small aquarium of 60 cm. However, Dwarf Gourami sometimes become very skittish. They are a peaceful fish species growing to about 9 cm and can be kept in community aquariums with other non-aggressive fish species. But don't keep two or more males together, they will become territorial. Combining Dwarf gouramis with large or aggressive fish should be avoided, as they might be bullied. Suggest tetras, guppies and swordfish as possibilities. A lot will depend I think on fish numbers you intend to keep, their size and the setup you intend to have.
when you have a tank in every room, and possibly even a room (or a garage conversion) completely for tanks.... I think then you should stop lol... or get a pond o_O
I have a tank in every room, a new fish room, and three ponds... Guess I have a terminal case of MTS!
I have just been looking at bigger tanks. I had to come home for a tape measure to see what I could squeeze in to my flat. My MTS seems to be progressing.
I guess the biggest tank I can fit in is the best. Does anyone know if it matters if it is tall versus thin or wide and short? Or is it the volume of water that matters the most?

Hi, I need your help guys. I'm going to buy piranhas, and I have no idea how to take care of them. How should I feed ( them?
I have the roma 90 at the moment and its just not big enough to get some nice decoration in there nor are there many nice looking suitable fish i can really put in there if i hadn't have dropped on it cheap i would of aimed for the roma 125 or bigger ...
... moral of the story "buy a tank as big as the amount of room you have spare otherwise you'll be wanting a bigger one next month" :good:
aim big :lol:

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