Stocking A 60L Or 90L Tank


New Member
Sep 19, 2010
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I have a 23 L fluval Edge but I want to get a bigger tank as I would like to move up to keeping larger fish. I have been keeping fish for about a year. I am considering the Fluval Roma 90L or the Arcadia 60L.

I have 7 green neons and 3 Endlers, 2 red cherry shrimps and an assassin snail. I would like to move these guys and add to them. I would like to have a dwarf gourami and some others. Would the gourami fit in with my current stock? What you you suggest would make good tankmates and in what sort of numbers? Thanks for any advice.
Fluval 90 Litre IMO, Bigger size, giving you more flexibility for what you can stock, and a little more room for error in terms of water conditions.

The Dwarf Gourami is a No No Im afraid :no:
They grow to around 3.5 inches (5.7cm) and minimum tank size I would put it at 24 inches (20 gallon) but as you have a few fish in there already you will probably looking at a 36" Tank. They Tend to be a Middle Layer inhabitant, Like your Endlers and Neons. I would advise against this. A Honey Gourami is smaller (about 1.5" shorter) than DG's? However I think Even These would pick of your cherry shrimp. But not 100% so would ask over at the Gourami Species Section of the forum, Post a Question there. Heres the -LINK-

I would also Add a small species of Cories in there at the bottom to give a bit more activity to the tank
Oh. So a 90L tank would be too small for a dwarf Gourami. Isn't 90L about 24 gallons? Perhaps my maths is wrong or is it to do with the length of the tank?
Any suggestions for other fish for a 90L tank?
100 Litres Is 20 Gallons, 25 Gallons is around 125 Litres :good:
OK so I am still not clear if a 90L tank is or isn't too small for a dwarf Gourami. Could someone clarify?
Personally I feel its a little cramped in there for the DG and would require a large tank for swimming space. Not necessarily the tank volume, just a longer tank, but Thats how I feel, I had one in a 90 litre and Was really dull, and lethargic, soon as he went in to the 120 litre He brigthened up and showed a lot more personality, Also his swimming room was restricted in the 90
OK. Thanks. I think I will either go with a bigger tank or scrub the dwarf gourami idea.
OK so I am still not clear if a 90L tank is or isn't too small for a dwarf Gourami. Could someone clarify?

I think this is a bit of a personal opinion thing really. Mine was much more active in a 70L thank he is now in the 100L where he just chills under plants all day. I've seen them said to be ok for smaller tanks (50-60L) by plenty of members here so personally I'd say he'll be fine.
I asked members on here when I was cycling my 48litre as to stocking, and I was recommended a DG. He's currently in my works 96litre however due to territorial issues (bullying and fin nipping my guppies) and he looks so tiny in there.

I think the 90 litre would be better due to choice to be honest. You'd be able to get a few more neons, and (IMO) a DG. Are your endlers all male (just curious)?

Hmm just having a think about the DG and the shrimp... My shrimp are bigger than cherries. My female has had babies since I moved the gourami out, and I think the surviving ones have only survived because the other fish cant fit them in their mouths (Jagger, my DG, will eat anything he can get in his mouth). So, if you dropped the DG and went for more tetras and a couple of interesting male guppies (for example) then you could also add some more cherries and that would look nice too (my tetras and guppies never bother with my shrimp, even the little ones). Get some nice black gravel and their colours will come out too :)

I never thought I'd get guppies, but I'm hooked to the point of considering rehoming my neon tetras and having a male guppy only tank :D Each one different
Good morning and welcome to the forum! :good: My opinion... a DG would work in the 90l, but your shrimp will not be happy. Good luck with whatever you decide.
To answer your question, yes my Endlers are all male as I didn't want to be overwhelmed with fry. They whizz around the tank in a little shoal and look beautiful. I had regular guppies before but had a heater failure and lost them. They were beautiful but very wriggly. They moved so much it was hard to get a good look at them. I find the Endlers much more restful to watch.

I would be sad if a DG ate my shrimp. They are so funny to watch. Like little spaceships taking off and landing on the rocks and they like hassling the snail, eating the algae off his shell. I may end up keeping the Edge and keeping my shrimp in there and perhaps getting a few more colours.
To answer your question, yes my Endlers are all male as I didn't want to be overwhelmed with fry. They whizz around the tank in a little shoal and look beautiful. I had regular guppies before but had a heater failure and lost them. They were beautiful but very wriggly. They moved so much it was hard to get a good look at them. I find the Endlers much more restful to watch.

I would be sad if a DG ate my shrimp. They are so funny to watch. Like little spaceships taking off and landing on the rocks and they like hassling the snail, eating the algae off his shell. I may end up keeping the Edge and keeping my shrimp in there and perhaps getting a few more colours.
An excuse to set up another tank! Gotta love that!
Ahhh.. I have the perfect excuse to set up another tank, I'm just struggling with room at the moment :(

if you're thinking about having two tanks I have one thing to say...


Let us know what you choose to do. I'm now contemplating a shoal of male endlers if I get the juwel rio another member is advertising... I didnt know they shoaled
You know what? I am gonna go with 2 tanks. A shrimp tank and a new big one. The only question now is ....... Is 90 L big enough or should I think bigger? I may need to go back to the tank showroom and rethink.

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