Stocking A 4Ft 260L Tank


Fish Expert
Feb 26, 2011
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Right... Just looking for a few suggestions on how to stock a 4ft 260L tank. It currently houses a small Oscar, 2 small Sevs, a pair of Jade Eyeds and a few Plecs.

Now i really like all the fish, but... i hate the tank! It looks so boring and bland after looking at my planted tanks.

So... How would you stock it? Would love another planted tank just so it wasn't a bland open space. The current fish will have to go (most of them) for this to happen, so would be left with a blank canvas so to speak.
Yeah i love the colours of them, but my ph isn't really high enough for them and the tank itself would still look a bit bland.

Considering Discus... :blink:
It might just be me, but I find discus very bland after a while. Maybe another planted tank would be good with a big group of shoaling fish.
Hmmm... Yeah i have seen a few people say that which has slightly put me off a little... :huh:

Fancying planted, and seeing as i had 4ft to play with then just assumed Discus would fit well... Maybe not then.
salvini :D im gonna suggest this every time i see a topic bout stocking until i myself get a one B-)
Definately have corys! :good: I've just shifted my 5 pepper corys to their new 200L 4ft tank and they are having an absolute ball snuffling through the sand, chasing each other and inspecting every inch on the tank.
What about a big herd of Cupid Cichlids? You could keep one or two of your existing fish with them and then pad it out with nice medium sized South American fish like Headstanders, Mouse Catfish are always nice if you can find them.

What about the decor though? Plants, no plants?

And what fish would I be able to keep? Can't be doing with aggression, I'm fed up of it and hate it.

Are discus generally aggressive or mostly placid?
Create a riverbed setup for a Butterfly Ring Hillstream Loach colony. Fantastic fish :hyper:

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