Stocking a 46 gal. tank?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2004
Reaction score
Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, USA
I have a 46 US gal. bowfront with gravel, slate, various rocks and moderate planting (plastic) after it is done cycling I was thinking of these fish:

6-8 tiger/green barbs
6 corys
1 pleco
and maybe 1 redtail shark

Any advise would be much appreciated, plus any addition or subtraction commets would be good to. I want a nice community tank with fish at differnt levels. What other fish combo's would work with this setup.


I would like to introduce some real plants, but I nerver put any other substrate down and I was wondering if I could get some plants that would survice in just gravel.
I think all the fish should get along great... until the shark gets to full size, I think they can get quite nippy when fully grown.

Maybe get some zebra danios for the top level? They are very active, beautiful and small, so you can have a group. Also, dwarf ottos would add a lot of movement, they're a bit plain to look at, but funny little fish.
You have heaps of options, but if you're like the rest of us here, you will have a dozen tanks before you know it :D

As for the plants, I have everything growing out of control in gravel, I don't think many people have problems. If you want something to build your confidence, try Wisteria. Other easy ones are Java Fern, Java Moss, Anubias, & Watersprite. They're not fussy with lighting & ferterliser.

The only advice I would give about the gravel, is to keep it dark. The fish feel safer & it brings out their colors.
My red tailed shark loves to terrorize my Tiger barbs....Not saying you would be unlucky as me...They each have there own personality and it seems that mine is a meanie..What type of plec are you thinking of?
the pleco would hopefully not be a common but yet something that will stay small. A bristle would not be bad. I am limited to my search localy (no good lfs in my area). You have any for sale?

As far as the shark goes, it can stay or go i am just trying to think of other fish that aren't so "common" and i like cats,plecs, & sharks.

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