In the very very near future we plan on getting a 40 gallon breeder, an upgrade from our current 20 gallon.
Here are the planed specs of the new tank:
40 gallon breeder
20 gallon sump with refugium
Octopus 110 recirculating skimmer
1 150 watt metal halide and one or two compact fluorescents/T5 fluorescent to light the edges
Very very shallow sand bed (with the very high possibility of a bare bottom)
around 60 pounds of lr
Currently, these are a must since they are already in the 20 gallon:
2 clownfish
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
2 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Pistol Shimp
Monti cap
Pavona coral
yellow fiji toadstool
xenia, clove polyps, green star polyps (the weeds)
various mushrooms
various zoas
Open brain coral
Bubble coral
torch coral
candy cane
This is the extras that i currently want:
Crocea Clam
More lps (blastos, acans, frogspawn etc)
Lawnmower blenny
2 kaudern cardinals (mated pair)
1 Mantis shrimp (isolated in the refugium part of the sump)
I wanted to get a lionfish, i heard about fu manchu and how they dont grow big (less of a chance of my fish being a meal) but i hear of the near immposity of feeding them prepared foods and i dont have the "heart" to feed it live foods, plus live feeders arent healthy for them.
But i still want one largish display fish, things that come to mind are valenti puffer (but i hear they are not reef safe) a type of dwarf angelfish (i hear they are a risk) a snowflake eel (a risk and tank may be too small). I know its not a display fish but i wouldnt mind a scooter blenny or a mandarin fish. I wouldnt mind a slight challenge. Is the tank big enough for one of those if they take prepared foods?
Suggestions welcome.
Here are the planed specs of the new tank:
40 gallon breeder
20 gallon sump with refugium
Octopus 110 recirculating skimmer
1 150 watt metal halide and one or two compact fluorescents/T5 fluorescent to light the edges
Very very shallow sand bed (with the very high possibility of a bare bottom)
around 60 pounds of lr
Currently, these are a must since they are already in the 20 gallon:
2 clownfish
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
2 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Pistol Shimp
Monti cap
Pavona coral
yellow fiji toadstool
xenia, clove polyps, green star polyps (the weeds)
various mushrooms
various zoas
Open brain coral
Bubble coral
torch coral
candy cane
This is the extras that i currently want:
Crocea Clam
More lps (blastos, acans, frogspawn etc)
Lawnmower blenny
2 kaudern cardinals (mated pair)
1 Mantis shrimp (isolated in the refugium part of the sump)
I wanted to get a lionfish, i heard about fu manchu and how they dont grow big (less of a chance of my fish being a meal) but i hear of the near immposity of feeding them prepared foods and i dont have the "heart" to feed it live foods, plus live feeders arent healthy for them.
But i still want one largish display fish, things that come to mind are valenti puffer (but i hear they are not reef safe) a type of dwarf angelfish (i hear they are a risk) a snowflake eel (a risk and tank may be too small). I know its not a display fish but i wouldnt mind a scooter blenny or a mandarin fish. I wouldnt mind a slight challenge. Is the tank big enough for one of those if they take prepared foods?
Suggestions welcome.