Stocking A 35l Arc Tank


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2007
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My OH has recently bought this tank and with my experience of trying to point out an overstocked tropical tank before, I decided to make sure I firmly tackle the issue before any fish are bought.

I've already pointed out any goldfish is a complete no go, as they don't want to think about getting a bigger tank which they would have to do. Other than that, my experience is almost entirely tropical fish so it leaves me unsure of what fish would be suitable for this tank?
In such a small tank your only realistic option is white cloud mountain minnows. And not very many at that. I'd say no more than 5 really.
After 48 hours the temperature is 19-20C, is that warm enough for any small sub-tropical species?
None that I am aware of, You are still ok for white clouds at that temperature though.

Perhaps ask in the tropical section ?

Many keep danios in such temperatures, but they are a very active fish and prefer quite large groups, which you do not have space for.

If you simply add a 25 watt heater you could keep some ember tetras or perhaps a species of very small rasboro such as the Galaxy rasboro? They are very beautiful little fish. 4-5 male endlers would also work in a tank that size. Very small and very bright , they would look beautiful against black sand or gravel and plenty of plants.
Go for a stream set-up with an oversized filter, a couple of Borneo Suckers and some White Clouds or Glowlight Danios!!

Add some big boulders and then smaller pebbles around and get the flow racing round the tank. My sisters B/F keeps danios in a tank between 17-19c so they should be fine in what you have.

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