Stocking A 30 Gallon

em 11

Fish Crazy
Nov 8, 2005
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what should i put in my 30 g

i would like something good to watch & bigger than guppies lol
Do you have any other fish in the tank, if so what are they and how many of each are there? If there is no fish in the tank you will need to cycle the tank and put a heater in the tank. After you cycle it you could get 4 small angelfish then once a pair is formed return the other 2 that didn't pair up and get 6 long finned black widow tetras
there no fish in at the mo
just need ideas
Well there are ALOT of options.
You can get a school of somethign such as cardinals, rasboras, barbs, black skirt tetras, Lemon Tetras, Serpae Tetras. You can even mix some of the schools.
You could also get 3 gouramies (i prefer honey) with some mollies or swordtails at the top. Then at the bottom you could add RTBS or a school of cory's.
You could even add 2 rams and some other fish.
You could add angelfish also with other fish.
You could go with a couple rainbow fish.

There are still alot of options out there.
:hyper: wow there is lots
what are the biggest fish i can have it there :)
Angel fish will be the biggest fish that you could have in there. Like I said you could get 4 small angelfish and 6 long finned black widow tetras and once 2 of the angels form a pair return the other 2 that didn't pair up then you'd be stocked.
Angel fish will be the biggest fish that you could have in there. Like I said you could get 4 small angelfish and 6 long finned black widow tetras and once 2 of the angels form a pair return the other 2 that didn't pair up then you'd be stocked.
does pair up mean met

you might want an african butterfly fish, interesting surface dweller, then some bottom feeders e.t.c.

can i have african butterfly fish & angels in the same tank
Pair up means like when 2 of them become boy friend and girl friend and when they start to breed and once this happens most angelfish will not tolerate other angels in the tank. When they breed I'd recommend removing the eggs and tossing them in the trash because you will need several long 20g tanks to put the fry in and will need to buy alot of food made for babys, which will cost alot of money.
Pair up means like when 2 of them become boy friend and girl friend and when they start to breed and once this happens most angelfish will not tolerate other angels in the tank. When they breed I'd recommend removing the eggs and tossing them in the trash because you will need several long 20g tanks to put the fry in and will need to buy alot of food made for babys, which will cost alot of money.
oh right
what many eggs will they have
Usually around 200 the first time then it has been heard of they could have as many as 600 eggs!
when to get the 30 g today & saw a 130 litre tank so got that :lol: :lol:
what fish can go with angels in my 130 l tank
i have a common pleaco which must go in there
would like parrot fish what else can go in there
oh & how many gallons UK is 130 l
28 Uk Gallon 34 Us gallon, I guess you just ended up with a smaller tank. You can't have a parrot fish because they need at least a 55 US gallon tank and they can be the only fish in the tank due to the size they can get. You should get 4 small angels, 6 long finned black widow tetras, and you can put your common pleco in it to. Then like I said once 2 angels form a pair return the other to.
no i am sorry i forgot a 0 :lol:
the tank is 1200 litres

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