Stocking A 29 Gallon


New Member
May 27, 2006
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Delaware USA
Well I'm asking again since I really deid'nt get a real answer last time. What should I stock my 29 gallon freshwater tank with. I was thinking about either breeding guppys or convict cichlids. If I decide to stock it with guppys I put put some corys or loaches in the tank as well. I was also thinking about stocking it with some type of shark (bala, redtail, ect.) but I dont know if my tank iis big enought to hold them. Suggestions anyone?
are you looking to breed the fish?

personally i would go with convicts, but if you get a pair you will need somewhere to give the fry to.

as for the sharks the tanks not big enough for bala's i'm not sure about the others you may be able to go with a rainbow or RTBS.

it depends if you want a few fish (convicts) or quite a few fish (guppies)

Well I've ruled sharks out of the equation. I know I want to breed fish but the only question is what to breed? I know I can control the number of Guppys I have with the "Survival of the Fitist" technique but I would'nt be able to control the number of convicts I have because the adults protect their young. Suggestions?
Hi red tailed sharks are a good community fish and if you have a pair apperently they breed quite fast in the correct water and ph conditions but some might not tolerate there own species or look alikes.

they won't pick on the guppies but they have territories and might chase them out if they come to close. They like a mangled piece of bogwood to make there own.

they don't hog food but eat it at the bottom as they are bottom feeders. B)
I've got a 29 gallon - see sig for the fish I have - It works out really well with a couple of amazon swords, and a lot of that grass type plant.

The only changes I'm going to make are - to get anouther couple of amano shrimp, and to get at least anouther 4 cardinals, as then they might shoal more

Breeding keyholes, or rams would be really nice aswell.
Hi red tailed sharks are a good community fish and if you have a pair apperently they breed quite fast in the correct water and ph conditions but some might not tolerate there own species or look alikes.

they won't pick on the guppies but they have territories and might chase them out if they come to close. They like a mangled piece of bogwood to make there own.

they don't hog food but eat it at the bottom as they are bottom feeders. B)

uuuuuuuum, are you thinking about the same red tailed sharks as me? The ones where the minimum tank size is 40 gallons, and 2 will rip each other apart? And most other fish?
Yeah, reasonably so, mine doesn't seem confined at all.

He likes the occasional game of cat and mouse with the rams, but generally he lazes about on the amazon swords having some food.

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