Stocking a 26gal


Fish Fanatic
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Hey, I'm looking for any suggestions and what to stock my new (currently cycling) 26 gal tank.

I'm looking for a good community tank. Some schools and some "center-piece" fish. I'm looking for any suggestions on a cookie cutter tank!

Also, Is there any cichlids that can be kept either in a pair or single that would go fine in a community tank? I've always wanted one, but I don't think the footprint of my tank is big enough for a cichlid community (I think the base is the same as a 20).
I am adoring my Corys right now so I would recommend some of them :) I really dont know about cichlids the only ones I have are a Jack Dempsey, and an Oscar which of course would not work in a 26 gallon. I am thinking up dragging out an old 29 gallon so I am gonna watch this and see what good suggestions you get. :) good luck with your tank.
You should verify the footprint of your tank, but I think a pair of rams or apistogramma would probably do fine in a small community of 26g. Keep them with calm, fast swimming schooling fish that stay closer to the top than bottom. Any number of the smaller, more peaceful tetras would do nicely, as would some killifish species, rasboras, or perhaps a small armored catfish (like a clown or bristlenose).
Yeah, I checked the footprint. It's the same at the corners as a 20gal, and about an inch or so wider in the middle (curved front)

After a little research, I'm liking the idea of a pair of rams. I've already designed the tank with a lot of caves with slate, so it should be cool...

Would cories be ok with the rams? Or would the ciclids pick on them (hence why you suggested an armored cat)

Also, I seem to have a difficulty finding rams in my area. When I picked up the tank, I was looking around, and the LFS's around here don't seem to carry them, even Scott's which is the biggest and best in the area. Any suggestions where to get them? Internet? Or I could probably get Scott's to order them for me...

So something like...

2 Rams
5-6 Tetras (suggestions on what kind?)
5-6 Harliquins (I always wanted a school of these)
1 bristlenose

How's that sound? That's probably a little overstocked, but I have a big filter (for 35gal) and am very responsible with taking care of tanks, so I think it should be fine.
ECH2005 said:
Would cories be ok with the rams? Or would the ciclids pick on them (hence why you suggested an armored cat)
Corys might work, especially with rams. But it really depends on the particular fish. I'd just keep an eye on them if the rams are breeding. Corys are nosey little buggers and are likely to get attacked if they wander into a spawning cave. You've got many other options...

Also, I seem to have a difficulty finding rams in my area. When I picked up the tank, I was looking around, and the LFS's around here don't seem to carry them, even Scott's which is the biggest and best in the area. Any suggestions where to get them? Internet? Or I could probably get Scott's to order them for me...
If they're a good LFS, they shouldn't have much trouble getting rams of decent quality. The internet is definitely an option, but likely to be pricey given shipping costs would be divided among just 2 fish.

So something like...

2 Rams
5-6 Tetras (suggestions on what kind?)
5-6 Harliquins (I always wanted a school of these)
1 bristlenose

How's that sound? That's probably a little overstocked, but I have a big filter (for 35gal) and am very responsible with taking care of tanks, so I think it should be fine.
That sounds perfect. Harlequins are awesome (though the more the better really!). For tetras, it's mostly up to your taste (nothing semi-aggressive like serpaes or black emperors), but I'd go for something with a bit different shape than the rasboras, like a rummynose or cardinal.

Happy to help and good luck with your tank! :thumbs:
Thanks for all your help! :thumbs:

I'll probably talk to the LFS about getting rams this weekend, see if they can order them and store them for me while my tank cycles, or just time it right so I can get them around the time its fully cycled...

Oh, one more question! What order do you suggest I introduce them into the tank.
ECH2005 said:
Thanks for all your help! :thumbs:

I'll probably talk to the LFS about getting rams this weekend, see if they can order them and store them for me while my tank cycles, or just time it right so I can get them around the time its fully cycled...

Oh, one more question! What order do you suggest I introduce them into the tank.
After a fishless cycle? Put in everything but the rams. Wait a month to make sure things are nice and stable. Add the rams.

That's what I'd do at least... YMMV.
Regarding tetras, I'd recommend Cardinals as they are great schoolers, a fantastic colour and they are not too big. You will have to be disciplined with your water checks though, as they aren't as tolerant as other fish. If you go for these, add them later or last. If you want tetras immediately, I always start my tanks with red-eye tetras.

xx :thumbs:
Thanks for the advice! I do really like Cardinals, so I'll probably get those! I'm doing a fishless cycle now (actually, I'm running my new filter in my 10gal to give it a head start building a colony) so hopefully it won't be too long!

I'll introduce in this order?

First week after cycle - Harlequins and Bristlenose
2nd week - Cardinals
3rd or 4th week - Rams

Sound good? I'm really not in any hurry, I have patience, so if you suggest I wait longer, that's fine... but I'm hoping that my tank should be pretty solid after the fishless cycle...
I'd add your bristle-nose in the 2nd week too, just to be on the safe side. I have one too and he is the coolest dude in the tank! B)

Bristlenoses are real tanks are you should be able to add one as soon as the cycle is completed. That tank is a little on the small side for a Bristlenose but if you're over filtered, just make sure you keep a close eye on your water parametres and you should be OK.

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