Stocking A 15 Gallon(58Litre) Tropical Tank?


New Member
Jan 7, 2014
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Hi I recently started a new tank, cycled it using the ammonia method, started off with 4 mollies and then added more. So far I have in total:
4 mollies (mixed)
1 male guppy
7 Neon Tetras
2 Platys
1 Panda Cory.
4 cherry shrimp
2 amano shrimp
2 assasin snails. 
There were a few more but they died unfortunatly. Is this amount OK? Can I add more 
I would like to add as much as I can without overstocking or it being harmfull to the fish.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Welcome to the forum, littlemissfishy :)
Can you tell us the dimensions of the tank and do you know if your water is hard or soft?
It sounds like you're already over stocked with what you have now for a 15 gallon tank.

Also are your platys both boys or girls? same goes for the Mollies. Because you're supposed to have 3 females to every 1 male, otherwise the females could get too stressed and even die. Also corys like to live with other corys, ive been told 6 is the minimum you're supposed to have for them to be happy
People say its 1inch per 1 gallon, so the platys are 2'' each = 4"

Mollies get to 4'' = 16''

you're already overstocked with just those, you can go a little bit over, i mean adding all the others up you will definitely be over stocked. Sorry :( ive been told so many times on here 3 platies wont be happy in a 10 gallon, i feel like ive been bullied to get a bigger tank ahaha, so its going to cost me £50 more for what i want to get... 
Hi Welcome!

Among these fishes you have mentioned, which ones that you are more attached to?

Based on the stock you have, its quite all over.. hehe

If you do not have any preference, my personal suggestion(just my own, unprofessional input.. haha) would be this stock:
1) Keep the Neons (if the tank is a long one)
2) Top up the Panda Cory to 4/5(depending on your substrate, sand preferably)
3) All the shrimps and snails

Mollies will be too big for this tank.. sorry..

Guppies and Platys go along well, if i remembered correctly, as they both require similar water parameters..
And if you go along with Guppies and Platies, you might squeeze one Dwarf Gourami or 2 GBRs.. and maybe the panda Cories as well..

Correct me if I'm wrong coz I am still learning.. :)
Hello! I have the same size tank and I would recommend this for you
Don't do the mollies, guppies, or platys. Mollies need a tank of 30g minimum, and any livebearer (all three of them are) will soon take over your tank with fry. Lots and Lots of fry.
Keep the cories.Cories are schooling fish, pandas get to about 2 inches, so I would do six.
Keep the neons, they are schooling fish and a school of 7 would be fine.
Choose one type of shrimp. Get 4 of them (if you pick the amano, the cherries already have four) This will be a bit less stressful for the cories.
Keep the snails. But remember they need to be fed other snails!
sorry to say, you're overstocked D: I'd say either stick to livebearers and return the others, or the other way around. If you decide to keep the panda cory they need to be in a school, so get about 5 more. If you're really attached, you could probably do everything but the mollies, but you'd still be fully stocked.
Thankyou all for your replies! I thought I had done my research and was adviced this was OK by my pet shop, oviously not. I am sad to say that some have died, originally had 3 corys and a few more tetras, a platy died this morning :(.  I keep testing my water with the master API kit the readings are as follows:
PH 7.5 (water is hard in my area)
Ammonia 0.25 (even the tap water alone reads this) 
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0.25
They developed white spot on some of the tetras the day after brining them home which I have been treating and I tuned the temp/oxygen levels up too.
The tank size is  45x43x45 cm (17.5 x16.5 x 17.5")
Its well planted with hiding places and an open area at the front, I have an extaernal filter and an internal one with an air pump.
I am really gutted as I spent such a long time trying to do the right thing but now I feel I have done it all wrong!
I have read/been told that mollies only get to about 5/6 cm (about 2") and that they were perfect starter fish that are perfect for my tank? It's very confusing to hear such conflicting information!
There is a black prgnant mollie, I think there are 2 females and 2 males, I know the theory about how to tell and on 2 of them it's obvious but then I saw  a male trying to mate with what I thought was another male lol. One of the mollies seems to be bulliying the others too.
I have been putting in some cat fish pellets for the cory, shrimp and snails and also some cucumber/courgette bits.
Would really like to know why all these fish have been dying and don't want any more to die
The mollies are perfect for your tank size, just not with all the other fish. The amount of mollies you have is perfect for your tank, but if you really want to keep the mollies you may have to get rid of some of the others. 

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