Stocking a 10 gallon

Shadow on the sun

New Member
May 23, 2004
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I have a 10 gallon tank that just finished cycling. We want to put in a female betta, but aren't sure what other tank mates to put in. We were going to go with cories, but the gravel we have is too jagged for them.

The tap water stats:

Hardness (GH): 150 ppm
Total alkalinity (KH): around 120-180 ppm
PH: 7.2-7.8

I don't want any livebearers as I don't want to deal with the fry. We thought of putting in all male platies, but I don't have a good feeling about them getting along lol.

Other fish we've considered:
Cherry barbs
zebra danios
harlequin rasboras
ghost shrimp

Any thoughts/ideas on what fish/other fish to put with a female betta?
Other fish we've considered:
Cherry barbs
zebra danios
harlequin rasboras
ghost shrimp

Sounds like a good tank right there, though I'd urge you to select either danios or rasbora and have one good sized school (6). A pair of cherry barbs and a few shrimp and you're all set.
after some more research, I think I may go with yellow tetras, cherry barbs, and ghost shrimp.
OK, it's a done deal and it sounds great! Now only add one or two fish a week and keep checking your levels and you're on your way! :D I'll want to see pictures someday...


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