Stocking A 10 Gallon


New Member
Feb 4, 2006
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I am currently looking for ideas to stock my 10 gallon (normal dimentions). I currently have two Dwarf Gouramis in there and am looking for something to contrast them color and body shape wise. I also would like some shimp or bottom feeders that are interesting but would not harm my fish (clean up crew). In the past I have had Danios, neon tetras, tiger barbs ( my favorites!), goldfish , bettas, Plecostomus, etc. I currently have White clouds in different tank... (not heated). I am looking for something interesting and pretty hardy.
Would tigerbarbs, guppies, or platies work? Or what would be best to put in with my Gouramis?

Also are Gourami's fry eaters?
Thanks alot, Kim
past experiene- some shrimp are not compatible with some fish. I had a 3 dot guarami that basically mutilated a shrimp, ate all its little legs... not nice. I will recomend 2 dwarf gwaramis, 5 neon tetras, 2 corys (enough for cleaning) and maby, depending in the size really, some silver dollars.
I would second the recomendation for cories, however, they are social fish, so they need to be kept in a group. I would say the absolute minimum would be four. Look for pygme cories, they are fairly small.

Tiger barbs are a definate no in a 10 gal tank. They are highly active and need lots of swimmoing room. The minimum tank size is debateable, but ranges from 20 to 30 gallons. How successfully you could have guppies would depend on the temperment of your gouramis. If they are even slightly agressive, i would say no, as guppies tend to have long, flowing fins. You may have some luck wiht a few platies, but you need to watch out on your stocking levels. If you get platies, get one male and 2 females (preferably get the male and females from different stores to avoid interbreeding). You will have fry, and they will get eaten by the gouramis and anything else in the tank.

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